Discussion: Kansas Dem Candidate On Strip Club Incident: Wrong Place, Wrong Time

If Kansans reelect Brownback after his disastrous term as governor just because of this incident, there really IS something the matter with Kansas.


Is Brownback even his real name or some sort of freaky nickname that he’s proud of?

Only his partner, Ben Dover knows for sure.

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It’s not he strip club or representing the meth heads that will get him, it’s the not being a religious fanatic and a Democrat that makes it so terrible, in Kansas.

In teabag talk, he was just getting to know his clientele personally and that is what we want as our Governor, a personable people person.

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More TPM anti-sex “news.” Josh Marshall is a real puritan.

TPM, why not ask around the newsroom'' and see if someone on the staff knows this guy's name.Davis’’ just doesn’t cut it.

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His boss took him to a stripe club, my boss gave me this lousy tee-shirt.

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A strip club in 1998? whooooopeee… Let’s talk about the Pr0Lifer … Republican… whose mistress got PREGNANT and he forced her to have an ABORTION… yet HE is still leading in his race… Geeeez, now THAT is a SLEAZEBAG in too many ways to count!


Indeed, and he was right in the middle of the hand he was playing with Elizabeth and Mr. Bingley’s sisters.

I think this is more about what is going to affect the voters of Kansas, and, you know, control of the US Senate.


Is this the worst the could get on him? At 26 and unmarried, he enjoyed being around naked women?

News at 11.


You’re right, there’s no way any voters in KANSAS will be turn off or any way for the GOP to put that into a 15 second attack ad. You and I might roll our eyes at this, but the question is: How will it play in Kansas City.

He’s running for governor, not the Senate. Easy mistake to make.

Even democrats make mistakes. If somebody is gonna run for office they must know that anything/everything in their past is going to be dredged up and displayed for all to see.

Brownback’s goons must really be desperate/panicking if the worst they can find is an incident 16 years old when Davis was a single young attorney.


Won’t hurt him a bit. Might even help with that part of the male constituency who tend to see Dems as “girly men.”

He was in fact single, and not breaking any laws as best I can see. I know anything having to do with sex is taboo to the party of family values, the so called moral majority. Remember them? The R’s need more than this, and they really should stay out of this peeing match; they will lose it.


Thanks for pointing that out, Semiotix.

Everyone, please ignore my previous postings.

Note to self: Coffee first, then TPM.


Sam’s desperate.

And Republicans are so out of touch with reality, they don’t even realize how this will LOSE them voters, not gain them.

Seriously, is there anyone who would be influenced by something like this who is not ALREADY supporting Brownback? Anyone still “on the fence” is much more likely to be disgusted at Brownback’s tasteless campaign than Davis’ youthful misfortunes. It would be hard to even label it an indiscretion, in the loosest sense.

The only moral question this legitimately poses is, how can the Republicans be so hypocritical? Especially to anyone still trying to decide how to vote. And I truly believe, those rare folks are not likely to go to Brownback, but this kind of cheap shot in an election that is so profoundly important might just lose him more than a few of his current supporters, just out of shame.


When you speak of family values and Brownback in the same sentence, you should specify “The Family” values.


Let me correct this one sentence so folks get a good idea how profound it should be…

“A group of (highly respected) Republicans have endorsed Davis over Brownback.”

This isn’t your typical crossover vote, these are some very important, historically powerful Republicans who are appalled at Brownback’s overreach, especially in the Arts and Education.

But the tax-cut overreach, too, sobered a lot of Republicans up, especially when revenues fell woefully short and Moody’s downgraded Kansas’ credit rating.

Also, they must acknowledge the fact that Brownback singlehandedly denied healthcare coverage for tens of thousands of Kansas seniors when he refused to implement the Medicaid expansion, and now his rabid tea monster legislature has assured the next governor won’t be empowered to do so.

This thing is already over. They have already given up beating Davis with straightforward political debate, they now depend on character assassination for their strategy. If they thought they still had a chance to take this cleanly, Kansas Republicans wouldn’t be so desperate to portray Davis as some sort of moral reprobate. I don’t know him personally, although we have met on more than one occasion, but I can say quite confidently, no one I have met who knows him well would ever consider him immoral, quite the contrary.

In contrast, I think Brownback’s shady connections with a lot of nefarious non-democratic organizations and institutions that inhabit the darkest corners of DC, and his association with those greedy billionaires bent on owning our government, brings his moral values into question, much more than anything Davis might be accused of.