Discussion: Jussie Smollett Now Considered A Suspect 'For Filing False Police Report'

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just waiting for the other shoe to drop. #nottheobviousone


Well,well! Another snowflake "victim bites the dust. This guy needs to go away, to the slam, where his cuteness can be appreciated. How fucking pathetic!


Thanks for all the damage to progress, asshole.


When I saw the photos of Smollett with the tiny scratch on his face I was immediately reminded of the silly girl who carved the backwards "B"on her face during the Presidential election a few years back.

He should have been smarter than to pull such a stupid stunt.


A good lesson here for people who rush to judgment before the investigations have a chance to establish credibility…

And sad that this will be a setback for the very real victims out there.


CPD went with what he told them and if this was anyone else and this type of attack, their response and the media’s would have been the same (possibly amplified).


so sad for so many reasons…


Agreed totally on the investigation side. I’m thinking more of the weigh-in from third parties, where people rushed in to make a judgment call, and now have egg on their faces from believing a false report.

We’d all be so much better with (absent the literal smoking-gun cases where the perp is caught red-handed) we took a moment to breathe and absorb the facts.


It’s a culture based on martyrdom, everyone who isn’t a white dude is going to try to get a piece of it by any means necessary.

Remember when the poor little black girl got shot while in her mother’s car? Initially it was thought to be a white guy, and the wheels started turning, we were about to have ourselves a national conversation about racism and white people. Turned out it was a black guy though, and everyone went home…no one wanted to have that conversation.

Here’s the problem with that : a rush to judgement isn’t something new and CPD went with what they were given.

The response from all parties would have been the same, even if Jussie was Justine and she looked like a Fox News anchor.

Now, CPD kept their cool and let the rumour mongers and assumptions guys have their say, but that’s their job.



Oh good snark! My favorite!

feels good and it’s somewhat related


Good luck with your novel


This guy is an idiot.

I hope this teaches people they need to cool their jets. The rush to judgment needs to stop.


The good news is that this should be overshadowed big time by the asshole Coast Guard LT who just got busted for plotting a terror attack to kill Democrats and journalists.

Assholes like Smollett take resources from Law Enforcement that should be used instead to catch real criminals like the one referenced above. He needs to do jail time.

As to the Coast Guard jerk, classic White Supremacist. Obviously he should get about 100 times more time than Smollett.


It depends, it’s a sliding scale. When you’re black and gay, you’re practically untouchable, you basically HAVE to believe him.

But you’re right, it’s patently ridiculous to think we live in an age of victimhood and accusation. It’s not like every day is another episode of who said what when and why are they racist/misogynist/transphobe/homophobe etc., etc. It’s still a rare occurrence as you point out.

Yes, the media only sees “ratings”. Read today that after a Tuesday interview with Robin Roberts, her producers and staff had serious doubts. But they still aired the interview Thursday, for no other reason than they knew lots of people would watch.

That’s the problem with tabloid type media.


I wouldn’t say that they have egg on their faces. They believed a victim, and lord knows our country is currently experiencing a bumper crop full of racist and homophobic attacks. So why wouldn’t /shouldn’t people have believed Jussie?

I thought something was hinky from the beginning. Not that I’m smarter or more insightful than anyone else, I just thought that there were too many beats to the story - racist slurs, homophobic slurs, MAGA hats, MAGA rantings, a noose, etc… It was just too much. I probably would have believed Jussie too without a doubt, if it wasn’t for the overly embellished story.