Discussion for article #239113
He figures he can serve the contempt sentence concurrently with the securities case.
Wow, keep digging that hole Paxton. I say hold him w/o bail until the trials start. That’ll fix his wagon!
Now it’s just spite and meanness. They act like school yard bullies.
Once Mike Huckabee is elected President this won’t be a concern. He’ll just have the 101st Airborne swarm Judge Garcia’s office, round up the entire staff and send them off to prison. Demolition forces can follow in behind and level the courthouse. Bing, bang, done.
can’t we have a Federal Ballot Initiative to vote Texas out of the Union?
the state cashed his check but refused to complete the paperwork
So thievery too eh? I shouldn’t be surprised.
Put his homophobic a$$in jail, and then go after Abbot!
At this point, just lock them all up until the hearings. If found in contempt–and they will be found in contempt–sentence their asses to a few years without recognizing time already spent. These fuckers need to start paying dearly for depriving others of their liberties–liberties for questions on which the Supreme Court already ruled. Additionally, the state should be fined $500K for each day these citizens were deprived of their rights. Half goes to the Court, half to the aggrieved.
Just curious, can a Federal Judge remove the Texas AG from office? Seems like the AG is violating his charter from the Bar Association as well, which should kick his ass out, resulting in him being thrown from office
This is why it’s hard to get good people to run for public office. Once elected, they can’t violate the constitution or disobey security laws without being dragged through the mud by the liberal press and the, you know, federal courts.
…and as a felon, take his voting rights away.
Cynthia Meyer, a spokeswoman for Paxton, told the Chronicle that the
court must determine in a separate case whether the Supreme Court ruling
on gay marriage was retroactive.[/quote]
Yes, Cynthia, you hateful troll, Constitutional rights to due process and equal protection are “retroactive”. It’s not legislation. But then you and your boss know this, don’t you?
Paxton probably ought to find a hotel within walking distance of the courthouse.
<img src=“https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHQdIM5VAAAu1WP.jpg” width=300
Now, now. Babies and bathwater…
I think they only disbar attorneys if they steal from their clients.
Start the proceedings to have him removed from office for violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution. He is now in contempt and should be removed immediately from his position in office.
I just hope Paxton and Perry eventually share a prison cell. They can have a “Niggerhead” banner on the wall for decor and long, long exciting exercise periods.
Perhaps they can even marry…well, Ben Carson said prison makes you gay and these two are made for each other. win/win____ Governor…top? AG…bottom?