I must confess to a twinge of schlammerfreude.
Annoy the judge and get yourself compared to “foreign and domestic terrorists, spies, and traitors.”
Hahahahahaaha, bitch!
why is Paulie a VIP, throw him in the gen’l population , 3 hots and a cot with his peers, snitches, and the rest of the malcontents.Give him gov’t issued attire --stripes . and a ball and chain for good measure.
Womp Womp!!!
Will anything be done about him and his lawyers breaking the jail’s rules in the one he is being moved from?
This is federal district judge-speak for “Screw you, buddy. You and your lawyers came up with bullshit excuses to try to delay the trial, I called you on it, and now you get to live with the consequences.”
I would not hold out a lot of hope for Judge Ellis granting the continuance or the change of venue.
I’m hoping that he’ll have to wear an orange jumpsuit.
Why was he not required to wear the jail uniform? What’s he wearing? Silk dressing gown and slippers? Crime does pay, doesn’t it?
with roaches. Swarms.
Manafort has had his own living unit with a private bathroom
and a personal phone, according to Mueller, and was also
not required to wear the jail uniform.
Pretty easy street … as far as inmate life goes ----
So SAD he may have just asked himself out of that … he he …
Is it wrong I’m laughing ? ? . . … .
Or fleas.
Not at all.
The perfect example of; “Be Careful What You Wish For.”
“Sometimes the Angels punish us / By answering our prayers.”
I have nothing to add. I’m just happy.
I wanna see The Full Arpaio™:
- Black-and-white stripes.
- Pink underwear.
- Green baloney (with a lemon for the “fruit and vegetable”).
- Outdoor confinement in summer heat.
- Manual labor in chain gangs.
What was good enough for those awaiting trial in Joe’s “Tent City” is good enough for Manafort.
After all, you just can’t coddle criminals, or they’ll never learn.
We need to be tough on crime, and teach these thugs a lesson.
Looks to me like something just was.