Discussion: Judge: Conservative Legal Group Can Question Clinton Aides About Emails

As Benghazi iss being used as a political tool we should remember that 9/11 waS very much used the same way.

Bush and company very much used it as a tool, and dems simply have the class to not exploit tragedy.

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See, this is why I have dreaded this Hilary campaign. The Republicans started with whitewater and eventually impeached Bill Clinton and they are and will continue to be just as vicious toward her. Even if she is elected, the Republican attacks, obstructions, denigration will go on and on and on. I can’t speak for our country, but I honestly don’t know how much more ‘Clinton Fatigue’ I can endure.

They’re on a mission to get EVERYONE “sicked and tired of [her] damn emails”

Other than allow rightwing mouth breathers to flap their gills over this for a while longer, this is really a big nothing burger at worst and a potential plus for HRC’s candidacy and that of a lot Ds seeking other offices as well. They’re going after the woman the way they’ve gone after Obama and went after her husband. IMO this is going to turn out a lot of D voters who otherwise haven’t seen the point. This plus the SCOTUS vacancy should just about cinch it for her.


I’m not going to hold back anymore, on shit like this. This judge is a fucking moron. The right-wing group, with tons of right-wing money that’s hidden can not have access to her private emails, period. They are not a government entity with legal rights of prosecutory actions. They don’t have any legal precedent or standing, to snoop first, trying to find a crime or wrong doing. They may have a right to sue the State Department, maybe. Hillary needs to pull out the wallet and get shit like this slapped down, now, enough is enough.

PS Klansman is a lowlife piece of shit! May he meet the 2nd A someday.

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They won’t take the fifth. There’s no need. Besides there being nothing worth hiding except crap the RWNM can spin to their heart’s content, the staffers in question can all look forward to positions in the next Clinton administration. Pleading the 5th would kill that opportunity.

I fully expect the full transcripts of this fiasco will never see the light of day. Snippets will be leaked because, duh, that’s how it’s been working with everything from the House Oversight Cmte under Issa on.

I also fully expect they will NOT get ANY “narrowly targeted discovery” or deposition from SoS Clinton. Unlike her staffers, she was a cabinet member at the time and so her testimony is protected by executive privilege. She actually could have used that for Congress too, and if she’d chosen that the Obama WH would have supported her and the matter would be stuck in the DC courts for several years, like with what happened with AG Gonzales and AG Holder. That she didn’t go that route had the same factors as above: she’d pay too high a political cost to avoid them while running for president plus she’s got nothing to hide - what’s being hidden is mostly stuff that various agency officers are now treating as somehow “classified”. Judicial Watch will have even more difficulty with the DC courts getting her onto their “plan”.

And BTW, the JW “plan” is subject to challenge in court, and both this today and that to appeal. Hellow 2017 and then WTF cares.