Discussion: Judge: Conservative Legal Group Can Question Clinton Aides About Emails

Very much so. I really don’t get how a judge can force anyone to submit to this if the person or entity doing the questioning isn’t conducting an officially-sanctioned inquiry. This is kangaroo territory.


Here’s more info on Emmett Sullivan if you are interested. He was appointed to his current position by Bill Clinton.

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She [Abedin] is now vice chair of Clinton’s 2016 campaign organization.

That is entirely what this is about. It’s all about the presidential run, not the information. They’ll pressure people into saying things that may or may not be true, it won’t matter because they want the “testimony” and then they’ll spin and leak, non-stop knowing full well the media will just repeat the spin.

Clinton rules are in full effect.


Received his appointments from Reagan and Bush 1. That should help in understanding why his decision’s language already contains conclusions about what this discovery is gong to uncover, which is circular logic. Yes, he’s a black dude who went to Howard, but, well, two words: Clarence Thomas.


I don’t know the technicalities of the legal system, but I always thought parties in law suits had to have “standing”? What standing do these fuckheads have?


Exactly. I’m really at a loss as to why this even legal. I realize it isn’t a done deal … yet. But, for argument’s sake, say this group persuades the judge to force former employees or associates of HRC to answer question – under oath! I mean – this is crossing over into Sovereign Citizens territory.

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Agree, especially since this organization is just a pressure group.

Democratic establishment? Of course they are. Republican establishment? No.

Seems to be a pattern here:
Judge launches special inquiry into missing IRS emails and Lerner hard drive
Posted by William A. Jacobson Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 9:30pm

Insufficient IRS explanations cause Judge to order sworn answers from IRS about Lois Lerner’s hard drive and emails.

Judicial Watch has sued over missing IRS emails in the federal district court in D.C., pursuant to its FOIA request for such documents.

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Let this be a fair warning to GWBush, DCheney, CRice, CPowell, DRummy and all those who were in the know about 9-11:

I am creating a new political pressure organization called BeattyCat for Truth, and I will submitting my plans to this judge on how I plan to investigate 9-11 and what part you folks played. Sorry – you may very well have to legally sit for hours upon hours, day in and day out, answering my questions and producing requested information. Yes, it will be sworn testimony, recorded – so don’t even think about lying again!! Prepare yourselves.

BeattyCat (for Truth)

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I believe they created standing by making a FOIA request and are now claiming that it was violated.

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That does help explain why the judge is even entertaining the idea of forcing people to testify under oath. I can understand it … to a point, because if these people are successful with this, this is a new type of Pandora’s Box. It might inspire someone like former governor Hulk Hogan to seek to coerce people to do what’s being sought here.

edited for spelling.

Actually it looks like he was appointed by Reagan and H.W.

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Look at the sidebar under his picture. He was appointed to his current seat by Bill Clinton.

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To lower positions. His current appointment was in 1994 by President Clinton. It’s all there in the provided source.

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Get out of my head!


You are a faster typer than I am.:grinning:

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Ah …so trip the aides and HRC is guilty b/c she knew all along…

If they get access to her “personal” e-mails, expect at the very least some embarrassing revelations. Whether there is any illegality which seems unlikely in this witch hunt or not, imagine what may have been discussed about world leaders and international affairs. Things that could in and of themselves if revealed strain some relationships.

It amazes me to no end the idiocy of American Progressives.

It seems that there is some kind of pecking order to see who can more creatively say, “___________________ is just as bad as a Republican.”

Gradations of policy and the all important factor that in this post-Newt Gingrich “winner-take-all” (sports metaphor–thanks sports-nation) environment, identification as a Republican demands fealty to the most insane Right Wing doggerel in the last 100 years (since the film “Birth of a Nation”).

Which, for those who cannot fathom what Party membership will do (until TeaBagg Krazy is removed from Republican Land), will demand that even the most vanilla-like “moderate” politician is just about cast in iron as a Bagger.

So called “establishment moderate” Steve Schmidt was canonized as a quasi-saint in the film “Game Changer”. And yet, a few days ago, he was seen stunning Lawrence O’Donnell with an incredible endorsement of Trump with the incredible assertion that Trump confirmed the “failure” of Barack Obama.

A word of advice. Learn the system we have of governance. Learn about STEPS of progress before the good is overlooked for the “perfect”**

**“Perfect” meaning the poetic boycott of the General, as one sips his/her expresso in satisfaction or, worse, the Third Party (which Baggers, as ignorant as they are, have never done, post 2009, preferring instead to take over the Republican Party)