Discussion: Judge: Conservative Legal Group Can Question Clinton Aides About Emails

Discussion for article #246380

Benghazi hearing epic fail number two coming right up!


Don’t understand this. Were FOIA-able emails not released because they were on HRC server? If same emails but from federal server were produced (e.g., from sender or recipient), then I don’t see the isuue. Edit for typos.


Ok, if they are proceeding along this path, a liberal group should seek to question previous republican administration officials to release all their emails they kept on private servers. Personal and gvt. Business emails. If they have been destroyed, then they go directly to jail. They are required to keep copies just as Clinton has… Simple, colin powell and his staff. Any other public official.


One would think the dems would but don’t hold your breath.


Anyone still think “the Establishment” is in the tank for Hillary?


I have often wondered why someone like David Brock doesn’t submit The same request from Republicans I know it can be an expensive process but really it has gotten pretty ridiculous.


Huh, the phrase “narrowly tailored discovery” didn’t make it into Chunk Toad’s hyperbolic chat moments ago…


Remember how, after the towers fell, Dems were crawling all over each other to have the Bush administration punished for the errors leading up to 9/11? Remember?? Me neither.


Get back to me when she’s in prison. Until then, yes.

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Yeah - we already have two Republican Secretaries of State publicly stating that they did the same thing.

We’re going around in the same circle - this whole thing is one big carousel ride - around and around and around …

So that’s your litmus test?


Weird criterion for a determination, I must say.

Is it the same Establishment we had back in the 60s or has it changed in some way? Good luck - there were actually a lot more of us, too. Don’t think we didn’t try. George McGovern was one of our big tries to overthrow the Establishment.


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Judicial Watch was founded by Larry Klayman.

“I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get up, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come up with his hands out,” he said.

Brock’s too busy comparing Bernie to dictators and Tweeting “black lives don’t matter to Bernie,” and then turning around and accusing Bernie of running the most negative Democratic primary campaign in history. So you’ll have to give the guy a break – cognitive-dissonance-inducing smear politics at that high of a level must require enormous concentration, unless you’re a sociopath or something…hmm, come to think of it, maybe the cognitive dissonance isn’t a problem for him after all!


GOP groups are more tenacious about this sort of thing. It is also politically a big thing for them. Many voters do not like the GOP candidates but do not like the Dems much either. Maybe it is an attempt to shrink the electorate.

Well, count me as confused. Why are these people allowed to depose anyone who doesn’t wish to speak with them? Is this group in any way part of a larger organization or federal department charged with officially conducting this “investigation?” Seriously, WTF?

Does this mean that I am now allowed to force Bush administration folks to speak with me on their role in 9-11? Unless this group has been charged with conducting an official inquiry, this makes no sense to me. I’m not talking about copies of papers and/or emails – I’m questioning the ability of a judge ordering anyone to be deposed by just anyone else.


Have we officially spent more time on this than the 9/11 attacks?


It sure does seem unusuaL

Let’s question congress about their emails. Why do they just pursue the Clintons.

Was this a Republican judge? Just adking.