Discussion for article #244374
Wow. They better impeach Bill immediately…oh wait, they tried that once before, didn’t they? I forget. How’d that turn out again? I think it was something like this wasn’t it?
If not for that affidavit where she swore under oath it never happened and the fact that she was having an affair at the time, I might be more inclined to take this seriously. Just too much stink on this claim to do more than shrug the shrug of unknowability.
I am now 73…it never goes away.
And neither does she. Especially, when the time is, uh, right
Or maybe the GOP looked like this:
They certainly did after they grilled Hillary.
I would love to see her bank account to see if the GOP accidentally put any money in it.
You make a claim; it is investigated and found to have no merit. So why now? Oh yeal! Hillary is running for president and I feel empowered by the attention it brings me.
Attention? Meh. Revenue? Sure. I would not be surprised to find Trump’s hand up her backside using her like a puppet, while his other fist waves a fat wad of cash in her face. The whole thing has never been anything but a shill-job for the GOP as far as I’m concerned. The affidavit she signed proves it.
And make no mistake: it will take all of half a day for one of the Teatroll candidates to latch onto this and make a Bill Cosby comparison, which will inevitably lead one of them to go completely off the rails and say something that attempts to damage HRC with the minority community…something along the lines of “the difference in how Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton are treated is all about how the elitist Clintons take advantage of their white privilege.”
Of course, that would just be gravy on the biscuit, because they truly think they’ve developed a trump card here in terms of the vagina issue by trying to pillory Hillary (haha) with her husband’s alleged wrongdoings. That certainly won’t work, so I can just imagine that trying to branch off into the race issue will fantastically backfire.
How long before her FOX appearance?
Somehow I am unimpressed.
They were already trying to make a Bill Cosby comparison.
Love the list of people she is following on Twitter.
Oh please. Old news - like the Wasilla Witch. No one gives a shit about Juanita. They didn’t think much of her then and won’t now.
I was expecting the comments on a story of this nature to be a bit higher-brow on this website.
I was mistaken.
In other words a big YAWWNNNN
Amazing that instead of sympathizing with a victim of rape the leftists have decided that they will defend her rapist, like Hillary defended a child rapist in Court.
Rand Paul’s wife was just on MSNBC dredging up Rand’s Monica attack. Rand didn’t do his wife any favors by making her first media exposure this vicious attack. Coordinated, I’d gather, but still pitiful…Wonder if Mrs Paul was sans panties like Trump’s wife on FOX New Year’s Eve…
You do know that in America, everyone has the right to a attorney right? And as a defense attorney sometimes you get shitty clients. Why do you hate America Roundsquare?
Yup. The lady’s short on cash. Needs more Simply Red CDs.
She’s gotta feed the monkey, man.