Discussion: Jon Stewart Gets Standing Ovation After Ripping Congress' Treatment Of 9/11 First Responders

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It was a powerful speech that should never have needed to be made.


A fair number of us New Yorkers know of people affected by post 9/11 illnesses. It shouldn’t only take a Jon Stewart doing yeoman work to advocate for 9/11 responders who are faced with chronic health conditions.
Where are those Hollywood conservatives who claim that they are blacklisted and have to remain anonymous, those so called “Friends of Abe”? That other Jon?
The B, C and D lister actors who continue to show up on Fox to claim that their patriotism is under attack by college students, brown people and Hollywood. Or the bevy of country stars who can craft a lyric after a tragedy “Have you forgotten…Bin Laden” or threaten to “put a boot in their rear…” As an old boss of mine called them, “a bunch of John Waynes”


Remember when comedians didn’t deliver journalism, and journalists didn’t deliver comedy?

Those were the days…


Sadly, the House won’t be the problem. If McConnell does his usual, the bill for the first responders will never get a hearing in the Senate.

After all, helping people is just so Democratic - especially when the majority of the victims live in blue states.

I hope Jon is ready to hit back hard so McConnell will be forced to take action.


“They weren’t yelling ‘Death to Tribeca!’”
— Jon Stewart, in today’s hearing


It was absolutely despicable the way Congress has treated first responders and then to not even do their fking JOB. All over the RW sites are comments about ‘Democrats OWN the House…’ yeah but WHERE THE FK WERE YOU???


Well worth watching from beginning to end - fiercely asserting the imperative of supporting this cause and while intense - and emphatically admonishing the inadequate prioritization, he never once stepped into ugly disparagement - just eloquently and passionately spoke from the heart.


I sure do miss him.


John Stewart abandoned us when we needed him most, and Trump got elected as the result.

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The kids are wondering “So, this guy had a TV show, or something?”


When did he get so old? And when did I get even older?


Why wasn’t Rudy 9/11 Ghouliani there?


Stop blaming Congress and start blaming Republicans. Fact is Democrats showed up, the GOP didn’t, Stewart and this article’s author should acknowledge that.

“It would be one thing if their callous indifference and rank hypocrisy were benign, but it’s not,” Stewart, shaking his head, continued as he spoke to Congress. “Your indifference costs these men and women their most valuable commodity: time. It’s the one thing they’re running out of.”

Later in the hearing, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) appeared to respond to Stewart’s remarks, saying, “I’m going to defend the institution, it’s sometimes not easy to defend. But it’s the bulwark of democracy — and that’s the United States Congress.”

Cohen pointed out that the hearing was held by the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

“My subcommittee, every single member on my side, which is eight of us, have been here today,” Cohen continued. “All these empty chairs that’s because it’s for the full committee, not because it’s disrespect or lack of attention to you.”



The new GOP mission statement…


This would get fixed if only Stewart knew who to recommend to Trump for the imposition of tariffs. Maybe charge the House Judiciary Committee a 25% tariff for use of the Congressional gym?

I watched the whole thing. Beautifully spoken and heartfelt exhortation of what’s needed. Jon Stewart encapsulates everything that’s wrong with Congress, especially when it comes to this urgently needed matter.

Its basically what’s wrong with every issue before Congress these days, which shows you how broken as an institution they’ve become. Even if the bill is reauthorized or passed in the House…McTurtle will put it in the Senate graveyard, where all other good bills with popular support, go to die. But Kentucky Aluminum factories by rich Russian oligarchs, no fucking problem. Wife and campaign manager want to give him DOT money and other perks at home so he can tout it for his next upcoming election…“punching up” he calls it.
It is disgraceful.


He put in what 15-20 years at the Daily Show? He put his time in. It’s not his job to save the country. There’s 320 million people here.

I can’t put Trump’s election on him. I do miss him though.


Just remember George W. Bush and his administration fought tooth and nail to stop the investigations into 9/11 and its aftermath.


Trump was elected thanks to Fox and Jon Stewart had absolutely nothing to do with that.