Discussion: John McCain: Obama 'Allowed' Nice Attack To 'Happen'

Every once in a while MCcain says something sensible. This isn’t one of those occasions.

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No remaining doubt, McCain’s mind has deteriorated to the point of needing retirement. His buddies, GW Bush and Dick Cheney, along with a gaggle of neocons are the ones responsible for the rise of ISIS. It was the Bush Administration’s preemptive attack based on lies which began the process leading the ISIS organization to form with Saddam’s elite guard members which was dismantled and later the Status of Forces Agreement requiring the U.S. military to leave Iraq. The Obama Administration attempted to renegotiate the Agreement, only to be denied by the Iraqi leadership at the time. Senator McCain, for sure knows this only being in a survival campaign is tossing red meat. Still, a shameless action by McCain.

The Nice attack is the fallout of ISIS loosing the ground battle in Syria, so the likelihood of such attacks continuing is high. As for the Nice attack, from what I understand the truck was stopped by police and then allowed to continue without being inspected, a failure of security thoroughness.


Really John? This is how you want to be remembered? Sad.

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What a disappointment this man has become. Even after being humiliated by Trump he does these things.

I think he just gets, oh, Oval Officeitis every 4 years or so. Sorry, Senator. You’re so much better than this.

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Well, as long as the Republican party is going down, it might has well go down with all hands on deck, every last one of them shrieking madness.

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I’m sure that if John McCain had been elected president in 2008 and was now finishing his second term, that whenever some messed-up young fanatic got it into his head to carry out a horrific act like this anywhere in the world, he’d be revising this to say:

“…but I also have to tell you, that as long as we have a leadership in this country, my leadership, who allowed this to happen, my policies are directly responsible for ISIS and ISIS is responsible for these attacks.”

After all, no human on the planet can act without the POTUS allowing it to happen, am I right?

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We have been. We put microphones in front of them years ago.

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No, he is not.


ISIS formed in 1999 and started to become active about 2004. That shows just how wiley that Obama is! He managed to create a group like ISIS nine years before he was President! He is the crafty one!

From Wikipedia: “The group originated as Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in 1999, which pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and participated in the Iraqi insurgency following the March 2003 invasion of Iraq by Western forces. Joining other Sunni insurgent groups to form the Mujahideen Shura Council, this group proclaimed the formation of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in October 2006.”
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

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Really, Obama allowed Nice Attack to happen? The Nice attack was committed by a French citizen on French soil. Just how the hell did Obama allow that to happen?

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I think it’s time for McWalnuts to exit the stage. For good.

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I disagree wholeheartedly. Sid McCrashcup has always — always — been an ignorant piece-of-shit poster boy for the Peter Principle. Had he not been born with a silver spoon in his ass and been the son and grandson of USN Admirals he would’ve spent his life running a series of failed dry cleaners.

McCain has become a pathetic caricature, who is like a chatty cathy, but stuck on one statement that he uses for all occasions.
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Actually, he’s trying to win again. His Senate seat, that is.

Which explains this nonsense perfectly. He’s in real danger.

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I am thinking that McCain is really getting senile.

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At one point in my life, I felt sorry for the way W’s team fucked McCain in the 2000 GOP primaries.
No longer.


I seriously don’t think these people understand that countries like France and Belgium are completely separate, sovereign countries…?

Remember when after the Paris attacks, the French president responded with airstrikes against ISIS and conservatives here praised him for “leadership” but he was really doing something the United States had already been doing for a year and a half?


He almost out crybabied Jebs opinion piece from the other day

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Some people say Obama is responsible for the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, the Hindenburg (oh, the humanity), Pearl Harbor and the death of satire. The man is truly amazing, especially since Fox News tells us he is a shiftless no account who wasn’t smart enough to get into Harvard Law School, and takes endless vacations. Did I mention he committed the greatest crimes of all? He was elected President while Black, twice.


He doesn’t have that many years left. Maybe he should try to let go of this colossal grudge he’s carried since 2008. He will go to his death irate that the country did not adequately honor his years of service and imprisonment with election to the highest office in the land.