Discussion: John McCain: Obama 'Allowed' Nice Attack To 'Happen'

If Obama hadn’t of sabotaged his planes, he could have single handedly defeated the VC. Damned POW camps sure can slow the path to glory.

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Apparently we don’t all know, because every time this goon lets all that noise fall out of his mouth hole no one corrects him, no one points him in the direction of the Status of Forces Agreement, no one points out to him that his bestie, the man who let the world know about his illegitimate child signed said agreement. Someone should also point out that our soldiers of which John McAsshole was one, wouldn’t have had immunity. This is one piece of dried up turd I wouldn’t mind seeing flushed down a low flow toilet. Fucking prick.


McCain said that the U.S. had won the war in Iraq, but lamented that “the President decided to pull everybody out of Iraq.”

Senator McCain is completely correct: the President made the decision not to pursue a treaty that would allow for the long-term presence of U.S. Military personnel to be based in Iraq.

President George Walker Bush. President Obama oversaw the actual removal of troops, but he was required to do so by the deal President Bush put in place.


Classic GOP:

  • Make a colossal mess (Iraq War, huge tax cuts without a mechanism to pay for them, financial crisis)
  • Democrat sweeps into office on wave of public dissatisfaction with the mess that GOP President created
  • Use all means necessary to prevent newly-elected Democrat from passing legislation which would help clean up said mess
  • Blame Democratic President for failing to adequately clean the Republican’s mess; call upon the public to elect another Republican

No, it would be Obama’s fault for making the shooter hate America like he does.

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Ron :smile:

Bitter,addle brained curmudgeon in a difficult election willing to sound stupid in a bid to keep his cushy job in DC.Little wonder Washington is such a toxic dump.

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Senator, if we had still been in Iraq, we probably would have lost another 1000 of our soldiers. And a monetary costs of 100’s of Billions. Did you give that a thought? Or does the orbit of Obama makes Republican politicians like you lose the capacity to think?

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A good ad to run against McCain would be called “bitter”. The ad would show various examples of McCain blaming Obama and clips of his storied temper. A narrator, preferably a woman, would talk about bitter John McCain, “Bitter John McCain lost his presidential race badly, and he refuses to let anyone forget. Bitter John McCain has spent the last eight years doing nothing and blaming everyone but himself. Instead of working across the aisle to better the lives of Arizonans, bitter John McCain is still seeking revenge. We can do better than bitter.”


I hope he loses reelection and then collapses while giving his concession speech.
What a terrible thing to say. God I’m a sick fuck.


And I blame Grampy Cryptkeeper for unleashing Caribou Barbie on the civilized world.

Was he standing on his front lawn in his slippers, yelling at passing cars, when he said this?


It is astonishing how his sorry life’s record is so often forgotten or gilded with false glory. He graduated almost dead last from the Naval Academy. Crashed several planes which, for any ordinary naval pilot, would have ended his career as a pilot. Numerous other screw-ups followed. The callous treatment of his faithful wife who had been badly injured in a car crash while he was in Viet Nam. Embarrassing bank grift. If McCain has had shining moments they are vanishingly few.


This has been happening for two or three years now. John McCain is not the person he was twenty years ago. Given that he’s likely to get worse, it almost doesn’t make much difference if he wins his primary or not. Maybe it’s time for Arizona to recognize that global warming is real and vote for a Democrat.

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Someone should ask him: why don’t the Iraqis use their vast stockpile of weapons of mass destruction and wipe out ISIS once and for all?


Someone hasn’t been getting enough attention from the TV cameras.


Yeah, but it’s a dry heat, so it’s not as bad.


Fanny that. I’ve asked numerous people to name one and … I’m still waiting.

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McCain has devolved into a dog-whistling idiot.


I’m galled to admit this but there is finally something I apparently agree with Donnie Drumpf on, and that is:

McCain IS a loser.

Shoot me now…


Time to send this old clown packing.

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