Knew he was beyond the bend but this one just about takes the cake…how the fuck does someone thousands of miles from the event allow it to happen…
A parody of a parody of a satire of a parody. And, by the way, did you know I was a POW?
Of which Arizona, competing strongly to be a retroactive member of the Confederacy, is virtually filled with.
The McCain you thought you could respect turns out to primarily have been a construct of PR people and the MSM. The real Shouts at Clouds has always been this way.
Yeah, I know. I bought it for a while, too.
Says the Senator who against the admins wishes flew to Syria to meet with Syrian rebels and pose for photos only to later find out they were members of ISIS. SMH
Well, you know, you lose a little civility here, a little more there, and before you know it you’ve lost civilization.
Yea at one time I even sent his campaign money…fool that I was.
There was no ISIS before McCain became a Senator. Do the math.
Feeding fodder for the Republican National Convention. Lost faith in McCain’s credibility a long time ago when he mad the decision that Sarah Palin was fit to be second-in-command. We won the war in Iraq? I’m lost there, Senator. I hope he does not win his election in the autumn. Not a rational leader anymore.
Isn’t it a pity that reality-based liberals have to keep reminding these gasbags to quit rewriting history for how and why we extricated ourselves from that place. Some things never change. Message discipline is what Goopers are all about…that, and lying in order to fleece the rubes. They excel at that. Unfortunately for McWar, most Rethugs now hate the War in Iraq almost as much as liberals these days…and are willing to blame Bush for those years, even if they don’t have all their facts straight.
The Nice attack was Very Good News for John McCain!
“McCain said on Friday that Obama’s policies gave rise to the Islamic
State, which the senator argued is responsible for the attack.”
Paul Wolfowitz is more or less responsible for the rise of ISIS with his de-Ba’athification policy. At the time of the invasion, the majority of civil servants and military officers were Sunni Muslims who, under the policy, could no longer work or hold office or serve n the military. They were without a source of income and without power. The new Iraqi Parliament continued many of those policies and these disaffected Sunni politicians and military officers became the foundation of ISIS. You can put the “blame” in lots of places, but our destabilization of the Iraqi military, civil service, and infrastructure played a major role. As we swept through Iraq, we left an unsecure country and lawlessness in our wake. We hold up in our bases and compounds and let the country deteriorate around us. Obama’s policies did not give us this. Wolfowitz did.
I’m afraid that when Hillary takes the office of POTUS, the republicans will have nothing to blame her for. They will have blamed Obama for the Big Bang, the Dark Ages, the Hindenburg ISIS/ISIL, Police being attacked, oil surpluses, Donald Trump … and even the marriage of Ann Coulter to Sarah Palin (which will be televised on FOX later this year).
Fellas, you need to save something for the newest West Wing resident this coming January.
How come no one asks McCain “What, were we supposed to permanently occupy a country we attacked with false intelligence?” How would the world perceive us permanently occupying a Mid East country we aggressively attacked with no justification? That’s all McCain cares about, using the US military to aggressively attack and smash any country not bowing to US superiority. He’s phucking insane.
No fool like an old fool trying to get elected.
Obviously not a real hero. I like those who haven’t been captured by Trump’s reality distortion field.
I know we all run the risk of losing our minds as we get older. Sad that some of us have to do it so embarrassingly in front of such a worldwide public audience.
It is true that Obama did not personally go from door to door throughout France arresting all people who looked Muslim. (What ever that looks like)
Because of this personal failure on the part of Obama we are left with the residual collateral damage done by the Bush/McCain policy of preemptive war, The Islamic State.
There is a much more direct line of responsibility for current terrorist activities that runs right back to Bush and McCain than to Obama.
Fun fact, the term “Blame America First Crowd” was coined at the 1984 Republican convention. Full circle!