McCain has been Mr Crackers forever and that fits in Arizona or anyplace where the voting public are right wing cracker heads. Now that they’ve flooded our streets with all kinds of guns, the right win cracker heads are blaming everything but what counts for the spread of gun violence. Complete class of idiots.
Hell yes. Vote for the weakest puke he’s running against. What Dem. is running from our side? Is it an open primary or do you have to be a puke to vote for one?
I remember when John McCain was someone I could respect, despite often disagreeing with his positions. Ever since the Palin debacle, he’s been just another angry, bitter old man. His bloviations seldom even make sense these days.
On the other hand, if some white guy in America buys a gun and mows down an equal number of people, McCain will say that it’s the fault of the shooter alone.
“the President decided to pull everybody out of Iraq.”
Well, there are still 5,000 US troops in Iraq, but, whatever. The major withdrawal came in large part because the “duly elected” Iraqi government did not want us to stay and refused to agree to a status of forces agreement that would hold US military personnel harmless from Iraqi civil law. Absent that, US personnel could be arrested and tried for everything from murder to trespassing. It would have been irresponsible to keep US military in country under those conditions. Short of that, unless we decided to become a conquering force and seize the country for ourselves (e.g. Trump - seize the oil). there was no practical way to stay. McCain knows this; he is just grandstanding for re-election.
“McCain said on Friday that Obama’s policies gave rise to the Islamic State, which the senator argued is responsible for the attack.”
Obama didn’t give ‘rise’ to the Islamic state! George F*cking Bush gave ‘rise’ to the Islamic State!
and Obama didn’t make the decision to pull troops out of Iraq! George Fcking Bush signed the decree to do that BEFORE he left office. your ‘prediction’ Sen McCain is BLLSH*T! get your facts straight before you open your mouth…
This is a man that voted against making MLK a National holiday. I think it goes deeper than Obama. He just doesn’t see any Black man equal to himself. And yes, he is an entitled prick…he married into entitlement and never looked back since.
So Obama let the Nice attack happen. OK. Did Obama have a security briefing stating that a terrorist might run down a bunch of people with a truck and ignore it? Did a Pubbie President have a security briefing that said terrorists might use airliners in an attack? Hmmmmm.
As of right now, Independents may vote in non-presidential primaries in AZ. However, dems cannot cross over to vote the gop/bag ballot.
However, the the AZ legislative repukes are attempting to close their primaries from indy’s. If you’re not a by-bul thumping nut job they don’t want you voting in their primary elections.