Discussion: John Kasich Asks Female Supporter: 'Have You Ever Been On A Diet?'

Discussion for article #242520

So austerity measures are like dangerous crash diets that create the appearance of dropping pounds, but actually leave you putting on more weight in the long run while also damaging your short term health? Sounds about right…


“Have you ever been on a diet?” Kasich asked the woman, who said “many times” in response.

Kasich responded with a laugh: “You’re the perfect example!”

…Kasich continued…
"When are you due?
“Is it that time of the month?”
“Your breasts are large, are you breastfeeding or did you get a boob job?”
“Do you have a muffin top?”
“You seem like a great cook?”
“I bet you’re a really warm person?”


so what?! he was using the analogy and trying to personalize the response. And it’s a perfect analogy for what he was saying.

This was nothing outside of a simple conversation. And yet, at TPM it becomes some sort of insult to women, overweight people, and anyone who’s ever been on a diet.

Link bait. Yum. I should be dieting but I keep coming back for more link bait. * sigh *


He went on to comment, “You’re from ISU right? I’ve heard that ISU chicks are easy.”


Hey, Johnny, have you ever been on anti-psychotics?

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Pity the 15-year old twin daughters.


He’s dismissive towards women. That’s the problem. A man wouldn’t ask another man if he’s ever been on a diet to make a half-assed point about economics. Back in the day he would’ve been called a male chauvinist pig, but he could help revive that.



Too easy…I give up for today…there’s no way I can comment on that without breaking at least 7 rules of etiquette and maybe a law or two. Our country is fucked.


BTW, love the meaningless “debt per citizen” ticker in the background. That measurement has no meaning or value whatsoever. That’s like measuring property based on how many acres per child you should own or talking about retirement savings in terms of dollars per life-expectancy-minute. Fucking nonsense.


It really is a great analogy by Kasich.

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Kasich is polling at TWO percent!

Who cares what he said, did, ate, or had sex with?

Kasich is polling at TWO percent!!

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Wow, how ironic calling him chauvinist as you say, “a man wouldn’t ask another man if he’s ever been on a diet…”
Your assertion is not true, although it used to be - you know, “back in the day”.
Let’s all live in the present, shall we, and quit feeling victimized by everything?

HA!!! Dr. Ben Carson…is that you? It’s Dr. Ben everyone! Only Dr. Ben wouldn’t understand why this stuff is offensive. Say something stupid again, Dr. Ben, you silly goose.


There’s way too much PC going on to recognize that some men remain very dismissive and impolite to women even in the 21st century. We’ve seen it too many times even from men we admire, and it’s tiresome. It’s not victimization to recognize the guy’s a dope in the present.


OT, but were you and I talking streaming programs? Because I have an update.

He’s sandwiched between Carly and Huck,not a pretty picture


“A perfect analogy for what he was saying” if he were speaking to a five-year-old. Putting aside questions of sexism for the moment, most adults can understand the concept of spending less than you take in without the aid of a metaphor like this. So, for starters, he’s condescending to the generic voter in a way that Barack Obama, who speaks to voters as if they were adults, never is. Now, the questions that remain: Would Kasich have addressed a male questioner as condescendingly? Possibly! But would he have put it in terms of the stereotypically “female” concern of dieting? Then we can move on to whether this dumb analogy is appropriate for the much more complex issue of the national budget, but I’m sure I’ve already left you behind. Dumbshit.


[quote=“littlegirlblue, post:17, topic:28584, full:true”]
He’s sandwiched between Carly and Huck,not a pretty picture
[/quote]Some of us are eating!


+1. Clearly you’re a feminist