Discussion for article #231791
What’s the over-under on when the Republicans blink on this item?
Five fours before funding runs out? Four? Three?
Repubs created the DHS. I say if they want to de-fund it for political reasons, fine. Shut it down.
Boehner didn’t say if the House would stand by a DHS funding bill that
defunds the immigration actions in the event that the Senate fails to
pass it.
“At the end of the day,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), “we’re going to fund the department, obviously.”
This is going to be an ugly fight? Sounds more like a tried and true John Boehner brand hissy fit.
That’s OK. Homeland sounds too much like Nazi Germany for my taste. We the small 1% minority have been your cannon fodder avatars for too long. We fought for freedom and the 99% are willing to give it up. Cowards all. Real freedom is endemically dangerous. If you do not want the danger that comes with real freedom create a new Soviet Union and move to it!!!
PS Boehner is an a**hole.
McConnell said in the end they will fund DHS. So what’s this all about? Just a story to get clicks?
Guess we see how the Speaker of the Oompa-Loompas got his job back, by buying off enough radicals with the promise to float this.
This sure sounds like another Republican waste of Congress’s time and money.
Um, now that Republicans control Congress can’t they just go ahead and finally enact the immigration reform they’ve been promising for the past decade?
Right after the jobs bill.
And “real” healthcare reform.
And tax reform for the average Joe.
Why fight to defeat the President, when the Republicans can just pass an immigration bill? That would undo Obama’s EO. Oh that’s right, it’s about beating Obama, not immigration reform.
Metaphorically shoot the Dept of Homeland Security right in front of the GOP, POTUS. Go all Kaiser Soze on it–and on the Dept. of Agriculture too, while you are at it.
Shutting down DHS is a great idea. I recommend we do it in this order:
- Eliminate the DEA to get rid of a totally ineffective, hugely expensive organization
- Eliminate 2/3 of the TSA to reduce senseless waiting time at airports
- Eliminate all the rude CBP agents at the Canadian border. I realize that would be an 80% reduction in the workforce, but I don’t mind waiting a little longer if it means I don’t have to be treated like a criminal by agents of my own government when entering my own country.
Just from the sound of this, I would say that this Republican dog just “won’t hunt”. All Obama has to do is charge that the Republicans are jeopardizing American security. Really Boehner, are you this stupid? No, I know it’s that you have to feed red meat the the Tea-Baggers.
Good. Talk about overblown bureaucracy. If they want to cut off their noses to spite their faces, so be it.
Hey, nitwit! How about you start fighting tooth and nail for the American People. We don’t give a hoot about your party and the big money that tells you what to do. We demand you pay attention to the needs of the people you supposedly represent.
So make a red meat threat, bang the drum loudly making sure your brain dead base hears the plan then quietly admit it is never going to happen? Sounds Republican to me.
“Republican” covers every curse word and act of stupidity, racism, misogyny, grift, war etc.
ie Go Republican yourself.
So the GOP’s plan for America is to play political games with funding the the Department of Homeland Security, and they announce this the day after a terrorist attack on our oldest ally?
Because satisfying the angry old frightened white people is the Way to Win in 2016.
If all they plan on doing for the next two years is to ram their priebus into the Vitamix and hit the blend button, over and over again, well, all I can say is please proceed.
Man oh man I wish you worked for the “liberal” media. That is one question I wish they would ask Republicans; it’s spot on PERFECT. In fact, I’d remind them that they were on TV several months ago, tsk tsking and chastising Pres. Obama for not fulfilling his promise to do something about immigration reform. Then of course, after GOP dragged their feet, Obama DOES something and now they are trying to fight it. (I know, I know; what else is new)
Gotta tell ya, a small part of me is kinda liking that the GOP heads both House and Senate. Now it’s time for them to put up or shut up. I just wish the “liberal” media can be bothered to hold their feet to the fire and ask questions like the one you just posed above. Guess it’s up to us to do so…