Discussion for article #247046
Last month, Scarborough launched into a lengthy rant on the show about how the hosts have been asking Drumpf the “tough questions” since the beginning.
“So, Donny, who do you want on top first?”
At the end of the broadcast, when the guests and hosts take turns saying what they learned from the show.
This must be a very, very, very short segment.
No point denying it: Morning Joke is an unpaid subsidiary of TrumpInc. The the hosts aka the two clowns are relying on him to maintain ratings.
"Because before you get all upset, understand that he’s accessible
that’s very true
and we keep trying to ask him the tough questions and get answers out of him
that’s debatable
and if Hillary Clinton, John Kasich want to call back in, Marco Rubio wants to pick up the phone…" Brzezinski said.
plural noun: ratings
the estimated audience size of a particular television or radio program.
“Joe Scarbourough can’t stop bragging about how his show’s ratings have recently picked up”
Anyhow, here’s Randy Newman again
if Mika starts medicating for the voices will Nike, Porsche and Tag Heurer drop her?
if she medicates with Grey Goose will she get her own commercial?
Why is this show on TV? What type of person watches it?
“Just stop!” he said. “Listen, here’s the deal, and yes, you do have voices in your head, there’s no doubt about that. Also, when Kasich said that everybody out there said that they really like you, Mika is a really nice person, they need to spend more time with you.”
verb: patronize; 3rd person present: patronizes; past tense: patronized; past participle: patronized; gerund or present participle: patronizing; verb: patronise; 3rd person present: patronises; past tense: patronised; past participle: patronised; gerund or present participle: patronising
1. treat with an apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority. "“Mika's a good-hearted girl,” Joe said in a patronizing voice"
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Do we have proof that they are unpaid? Completely uncompensated? I am going to remain skeptical of that.
Other than Trump stories, Morning Joe stories are pathetic and a waste of valuable space here at T{M
your grandmother, grandfather or drunk uncle who wants to pretend they’re too liberal and open minded for Fox…
Did anyone watch yesterday when John Podhoretz was on? The Pod was lambasting Trump, and Mika went into full-tilt Trump Defense Mode (Joe was out sick). She actually accused Pod of “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” and tried to patronize him into submission. It was nuts. Even by Morning Joe standards, I was flabbergasted.
That is a sliver of a fraction of a percentage
which, as Billo loves to remind us, is the size of MSNBC’s audience…
Joe reminds of me of Chinatown scene:
“He’s my father He’s my brother He’s my father He’s my brother” regarding Trump.
Last month, Scarborough launched into a lengthy rant on the show about how the hosts have been asking Drumpf the “tough questions” since the beginning.
Look, here’s the main thing: Let’s say that, arguendo, you were asking him tough questions all along, the point is that since the beginning he has never given an answer to those questions! He blusters, beats his chest over how many morons he can get to his rallies, and gives generalized statements about how he’ll make everything great.
If someone calls in everyday, and you give them 8-10 minutes of free air time and publicity, and you allow them to get away with not answering your questions, then you are culpable. You could have said, we’ll no longer take phone calls from Drumpf until he starts giving substantive answers to questions, rather than generalizations and ad hominem attacks.
They must have taken some sort of pledge…
The sound of Trump’s voice is, for Joe Scarborough, the equivalent of stroking a female cat in heat. I’m just amazed he doesn’t raise his backside and begin to purr: “Ohhhh…Donald!”
Beeker and The Reeker:
Alternate headline: Members of the media clown car fight over how to respond to member of the Republican political clown car.