Discussion: Joe The Plumber: 'Guns Are Mostly For Hunting Down Politicians'

He was smart enough, barely, to not mention Obama’s name or any other sitting pol’s name or he would have had some visitors.


Sarah Palin must love that “Joe” is around, since he manages the difficult feat of making her sound like a Mensa member.

Since he brought up Hitler and going after politicians, I guess he has in mind another Night of the Long Knives, where dozens of political opponents were taken out by the Nazis? It’s fascinating to hear what this Constitution lover has planned.


“As far as me being nice, cordial, respectful – don’t hurt people’s feelings… bla bla? We tried that and look where it got us?”

What are these MORONS like Joe the Fapper and Ted Nugent whining about when they say “look where it got us?”? Do they live in North Korea or Iran or Saudi Arabia or Russia?

‘Oh I have to pay taxes and I have to stop at stop signs and some liberal is talking about restricting my access to lethal weapons and wants me to register my firearms. I’m so oppressed.’

Go fuck yourself Joe the Moron. Go live in Iran for a while and then tell me how bad it has gotten in 'merica.


Every time this poor man tries to use some form of logic and opens his mouth to expose his ignorance, the world’s IQ rating drops a point.

Poor Joe left one of his more primary reasons for gun ownership … “It’s the only way I can get a woman to look at me.”

“Guns are mostly for hunting down politicians who would actively seek to take your freedoms and liberty away from you,”

I think the Secret Service should interview this fellah. After all, this comment by Mr Wurzelbacher sounds a lot like a …threat.


Do you remember Tito the Builder that Plain referred to at one pep rally? He knew enough to disappear after the election. However “Barack the Wealth Distributor” as she referred to him that same day remains.

If he keeps using Axe spray there will be nothing left for a woman.

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Oh, he might get a visit from some fellows in dark suits who have no sense of humor. And they can be harsher than he can.

Low IQ Joe wants to be GI Joe

Joe the not plumber is an attention whore.


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I could be agreeable to allowing guns to be used to “hunt down and kill” politicians that I don’t agree with as long as it includes the right to “hunt down and kill politicians & shills for politicians I don’t agree with” also. Such as folks calling themselves “Joe”.

It’s only fair. Because Freedumb!

Why is it when baggers get negative attention they go overboard
and start acting like over sugared five year olds who need to go to the bathroom?

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Sam the Loser at least had the honesty (OK, stupidity) to admit that guns are “mostly” for killing human beings. He can spin who they are any way he wants, but that’s what he said.

And all his “Sarah Palin Bullet Points” about what he believes a gun will prevent are demonstrably - and laughably - wrong. What a frightened little man he is.

He is the type that should not be allowed anywhere near a lethal weapon.


So, in other words, what he was trying to say yesterday: RIchard Martinez’s dead kid doesn’t trump Joe’s right to assassinate politicians.


Sam “My name really isn’t Joe and I’m not really a plumber” Wurzelbacher is a spotlight-seeking opportunistic political poseur, desperately in search of something relevant to say … you know, kinda like Sarah Palin.

This knuckle-walking asshole has been overextending his “15 minutes” … since the day McCain attempted to make him the ‘poster boy of Obama-phobia’ back in 2008 … you know, kinda like Sarah Palin.

America has “herpes”: Palin and Sam. No better or apt description of these two.

Although “explosive diarrhea” makes me think of them, too. Herpes?

Much better.

Tell it to the Blade Runner. Oscar Pistorius is not even American, yet he’s far more representative what guns are really for.

This will be sad but true, regardless of whether he’s convicted of murder for shooting his girlfriend through the bathroom door, or whether the jury buys his defense that he mistook her for a burglar.

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