Aw, gee, how white of you, Joe.
oooooo… good one Joe… well thought out… your only beef with Donnie Dimwit is his threatened ban on Muslims?
you’ve just proven your self as shallow Dr Ben and his suggestions for untrusTED sCruz or Sarah Palin with her gibberish word salad…
HAHAHAHAHA…(wipes tears from laughing so hard)
And he delivered it with a straight face…that’s some serious acting skills on display there.
First off, Scarborough will most definitely vote for Trump, no matter what he says or does. I am pretty sure that Trump could strangle Joe’s puppy right in front on him, and Joe would still vote for him…eagerly.
Secondly, even if somehow Scarborough DIDN’T vote for Trump, the fawning over exposure he gives Trump on his show is far, far worse than any one vote. Its kind like the big heroin dealer saying he will never take the stuff because its so vile…while selling it to millions of people. The damage is done.
Frickin’ excellent observation.
Self-important Joe threatening the very self-important Trumpf? One windbag to another? What!
Joe, if this is only reason you are not voting for him you are even a bigger ass than I thought you were.
Just a thought: look at Joe’s finger. Doesn’t it remind you of Trumpf’s…? Something about size: small?
Larry Wilmore’s best line last weekend, “ Scarborough has got his head so far up Trumps ass he bumped into Chris Christie." I am still laughing about that one.
I guess the fact that Donald Trump is unqualified in every way to be President is of no concern to Joe Scarborough.
I call bullshit, MorningJoe - if you could, you’d lick your vote onto Trump’s balls.
HAHAHAHA…what a flippin’ liar.
Watched the program: (1) Scarborough gave himself a lot of room to backaway from his “threat”, practically begging Trump to put just a little bit of wiggle room in his Muslim ban; and (2) The most important thing to come out of this morning’s program was the discussion with Rob Reiner, who put the wood to Scarborough and the media, generally, on how they have totally failed in their journalistic responsibilities with regard to Trump. So, I’m very disappointed in TPM in focusing on Scarborough’s voting propensities, rather than the Reiner interview.
Oh, Joe! You have been promoting and embracing Trump for months. You know…and I know…that you will not only vote for him but allow him to "appear on your show for the next six months via telephone. Just stop it with the “I will not vote for trump if…” BS.
That’s the only reason to not vote for Trump? Up yours Joe Scarborough! You’ve been kissing Trumps ass this entire election season, and MSNBC in general is obsessed with DT, and it’s disgusting.
Mika licks Joe, Joe licks Trump, yadda, yadda, yadda…
And we are supposed to care?
More Bullshit from the guy angling to be President Donald Trump’s Press Secretary.
The only way I’ll trust this slippery GOP’er is getting in the voting booth to see - gotta stick with Reagan’s Russian flip on this one: “trust but verify”.
A really terrible visual at 7 a.m.