Gillibrand should have been a bit more patient. Two wrongs do not make a right. I wish she would have taken a bit more time to decide that resignation was the correct course of action. That determination requires more than immediacy based on a gut feeling. In that light, what she did was to mimic the Queen of Hearts in yelling, “Of with his head!” Being a good politician requires the use of good and thoughtful judgement. I think she was premature in both of those areas. Resignation? Eventually, maybe, but it was handled very poorly.
If u can’t duck it,fkk it!!
You keep bringing it up, so I’d like to know what you think it shows beyond immature, inappropriate behavior.
OT, but interesting in light of the refusal fo Moore to concede:
What was most shocking to me is that Gillibrand AND Harris AND Warren are all lawyers. For lawyers, process is the whole thing. If you are 5 minutes late on filing that death penalty appeal, your client is dead. Process, due process, is the whole legal system. How could a bunch of lawyers, all of whom are highly capable, decide to circumvent the process (Ethics Committee) and simply lynch Franken? That’s the key point that they went wrong at.
If he had gone to the Ethics Committee, they found against him, THEN I would have been comfortable requesting his resignation.
Due process is what our system is all about. The current Star-Chamber system, in which anonymous accusations end careers and destroy reputations, is out of control and wrong. Tavis Smiley is the most recent case. He has seen none of his accusations. He has no idea how many there are, or what they said. It’s all a secret. Except he has been fired in public, while his accuser(s) get the shield of the HR process. How the HELL is that fair OR RIGHT?
Are all of the women who supported him and know him well from working with him liars?
No. Not when his term is up… He resigned. He could decide to run in the special election (to replace himself). That way all of these issues could be discussed and be decided upon by the voters…
I do not condone any sexual harassment…whether committed by a Liberal, Conservative, student, electrician, garbage man, POTUS…anyone.
Not yet, he hasn’t.
And he shouldn’t.
I don’t think that as many people are as appalled by that picture as you seem to think.
This sums it up the best for me. I was fine with the way things were proceeding. Maybe the ethics investigation would have led to Franken resigning anyways, but at least all sides would have been heard. It didn’t help that the last accusation consisted of someone upset about what seemed to be a standard picture pose with his hand on her waist because she had issues with her body at the time. I mean…
Some can be not lying but still wrong. Lot of what Franken has been accused of is subjective.
Maybe Franken knows something we don’t.
well i try…
The point is that when Tweeden’s history is placed up against Franken’s, someone’s argument seems to be “well we can’t trust her”.
Add to it, that some of the accusers anonymity is seen as a scarlet letter. Now the New England gal who chose to remain anonymous knows full well that there are at least enough ‘scraps’ of info in that Jezebel story to guess who she is.
We’ll know shortly.
And the “cases” in which he was at the state fair, taking pictures in PUBLIC with women and their HUSBANDS and FATHERs, he is groping them? And they are smiling? What the fuck?
If I was going to grope some woman, I would not choose a public venue when she is there with her husband/father. It makes no sense whatsoever. You may hold any opinion of Franken that you wish, but the reports of this are just nuts. He is not insanely stupid. I don’t believe those reports, for even a second.
pleading this now
Given the culture at SNL during the time he was there, yet he is supported by other female staff members there and not piled on by them, i think says a lot.
God, I can’t stand Tavis Smiley. But I don’t disagree with a lot of his argument, even though I don’t think he should have been sleeping with his subordinates. But that brings up a new issue I’m having where now a man who has an affair at work is now just as much a slimeball as someone like Harvey Weinstein who terrorized and apparently raped women. In the case of 18, 19-year old women being coerced into sleeping with their boss, yeah, you’re disgusting. But we now seem to be saying that adult women can’t freely consent to a relationship with someone who has power at their workplace, even though that’s where a lot of marriages emerge from.
We’re wallowing in punishment and vindication, and not making enough progress on establishing HOW we educate men AND women going forward on what is and isn’t okay.
define please
what was his story about the picture again?
You really, really, really hate women.