Discussion: Joe Manchin Says It Was Premature For Franken To Announce Resignation

Fear of it becoming a GOP talking point.

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that sinking feeling, when I’m possibly defending Leann Tweeden…uggh.

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The link to Gillibrand’s statement is below. She said what she believed, and her reasons why. You may disagree with her, but Senator Franken agreed with her that resignation was the right decision, even though he could have stayed and fought it. (Personally, I wish he had.)

I don’t think she rushed to judgement. She said what she believed. Al Franken is her friend and colleague, and I don’t think it was easy for her to do what she did.

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I wish that so many Democrats did not live in fear of Republicans. Republicans don’t seem to have a similar fear of Democrats.


Looks like there was a lot of grabbing going on on that USO tour.

I think Tweeden went on two other USO tours with Franken after the famous photo tour.

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She loved posing as a saint but it backfired big time. She took out Franken and maybe herself – she was at something like 53 % approval in July before this happened – and she damaged the #metoo movement.

The focus shifted to ‘was Franken fairly treated’ rather than being ’ should men stop doing the sort of things Franken was accused of doing.’ Franken was in perfect accord on the latter.


Manchin doesnt carry a lot of weight with most Democrats, you say. But he is the ONLY one who has spoken a truth that was needed during this entire disgraceful episode, and the stink of what happened to Franken is not going to disappear because Mueller drops another indictment, the Yankees obtain some other grossly overpaid athlete, Trump throws someone else under the bus, or Tweets several dozen imbecile low brow thoughts of his to the universe.


I disagree with Joe Manchin on about 90% of the major issues—but on this he is 100% correct.
I have never doubted his honesty, either.



from Twincities.com and ABC News

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Drumpf: Not at all. Franken is a sexual assaulter. He should be in Jail.!!

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Franken may be a creep, but he’s an honorable creep.

which parts?

Please remember, that even if the stage antics were excluded, that picture is still exhibit A.

Who the fuck cares? The “sexual misconduct” is in most cases, either trivial to the point of irrelevance, or bullshit.

Like that idiot who Franken “felt her boob” while giving her a hug she asked for in 2004. So, apparently this idiot has been CONSUMED with PTSD over this 5 second incident for 14 years?

There are people who normal events totally scandalize. My wife, a sensible woman of 69, is contemptuous about this shit. MOVE FUCKING ON!!! Who cares about a 5 second fondle in 2004? What kind of idiot spends 14 years in paralysis over a 5 second event? This is beyond stupid.

Other events are equally idiotic. The “event” that led to Kirsen “Cotton Mather”'s shit-fit was the one where Franken tried to kiss someone but she evaded it. He TRIED to KISS her, but SHE DIDN’T GET KISSED!!! For this, Franken gets thrown from the Senate? Plus it was anonymous… All anonymous accusations are lies, every single one. The other accusation was where Franken squeezed someone waist. What the FUCK is that all about? Since when is the WAIST an erogenous zone?

All of the accusations are either idiotically trivial, lies, or stupid beyond belief.

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which is it?

ummm, k


That’s because the Republicans have worked for over 40 years to spread innuendo, false representations, fear of the other, and down right lying to their base that the world is out to get them.


A picture in which Franken does not touch her, and in which she pretended to be asleep.

It’s bad sophomoric humor—like 95% of what every USO tour presented to soldiers, beginning with Bob Hope in WWII.

It’s definitely not grounds for his resignation.


hey, I’d have you know that Stanton is an often injured, grossly overpaid athlete, tyvm.


Ya need proof that she was pretending to be asleep, especially seeing how he apologized for how that picture looked.

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Oh good grief. Look, you got what you wanted.

o/t question: should Conyers have been forced to resign?