Discussion: Joe Biden Accidentally Announces He's 'Running'

Maybe he’s just trolling Donnie.


Same ole Uncle Joe :grin:


He would be alright, he would somehow fumble through.


The only reason the crowd cheered was that Delawareans get very excited at the prospect of making more people aware there’s a state called “Delaware.” When they tell people from other parts of the country they live in Delaware the people say, “What state is that in?” Swear to God.


He’s running.

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All multinational corporations, wannbee shell companies, shady real estate dealers (ahem), and many others are all too familiar with Delaware. But the rest of the country? It’s a river that Washington crossed if they even know that much.

And, if Joe Biden can’t even keep his fucking tenses straight … I’m not encouraged. Gaffe? Yes, but still. Just reminds us that we’ve been here before and that he’s too goddamn old. And that photo? OY!


“The only thing strong enough to tear America apart is America itself and we’ve seen its start,” he said.

The main problem with this, as I see it, is that the version of America that he’s referring to, just doesn’t exist anymore. I like Biden personally but he’s way, way too invested in “reaching across the aisle.” That just doesn’t exist anymore and while Biden may think he’s got an inherent advantage of not being Black as President Obama was, it’s not going to be enough. He’d be facing many challenges from both the Rethugs and from younger, ethnic factions in the Democratic Party. Not a good move.


“We’re literally in a battle for the soul of America.”

Heh. He said “literally.” But this time, it works as it should–he’s right, unfortunately.

(I still wish he wouldn’t run but, rather, throw his support behind another candidate.)


In a keynote speech at a dinner for the Delaware Democratic Party, Biden boasted Saturday that he has “the most progressive record of anybody running.”

As I parse it, this statement, by itself, doesn’t actually mean he’s running. Although from other things he said last night, it sounds like he is.


Biden boasted Saturday that he has “the most progressive record of anybody running.”

The top comment at The Hill said if that’s the case, then Velveeta is real cheese.


I think the best candidate is the person who would be the best president. Biden would not have the learning curve of any of the others, and would have the advantage of Long-term relationships that he could build on for the repair work ahead.

And let’s not forget, he is likely the only person who would cause a collective sigh of relief around the world. That matters to me.

He has made mistakes in the past, and occasionally says stuff that he backtracks on, but I don’t think he would make serious mistakes. I also think there are enough republicans who would be happy to get trump’s stench off of them that he just might get some cooperation. On the other hand he wouldn’t need to learn (as Obama did) that you can’t count on GOP cooperation.

Put Warren beside him and I think we would have a winning ticket.

Just my fifty cents…


I’ve always thought of that as more sloppiness, careless because he just doesn’t care, than any kind of straight-shooter crap. And I also think if he hadn’t hung out with Obama for eight years he’d have a very middling reputation right now. Just my opinion. Lots of folks here like him and I don’t argue they shouldn’t but I don’t see much to admire or be impressed by.


Biden would get a lot of indies and some older Black people. Everyone else? Nope.


“We’re literally in a battle for the soul of America,” he said.

He got that right!

Gallup is reporting that 90% of the GOP still supports this POTUS, meaning that 90% of the GOP has stopped loving America.


Holy shit! Another year and a half of this. Let loose the cable news panels, and the hot takes! And someone at MSNBC; please stock up on a supply of benzos to bring Kornacki down from the ceiling now and again.


Warren is not a fan of Biden. Never happen. Like trying to mix oil and water. Did you read her op ed on Biden in 2002? We need Warren to be an effective Senator, not a powerless figurehead in any administration,
Seriously, unless we have the economy stumble due to Trump’s malfeasance, I can’t think of anyone who will unseat him. Even if you’re not gaining from the rise in the market, do you want to take a chance on things going South if the job market, economy and stock market are still strong? That’s the only thing Trump has going for him. No, he can’t win with his base only, he needs the economy to stay strong. If the unemployment rate raises a couple points, just about anyone could beat him.


He would get blue collar workers who have been stiffed by trump. I am a 71 year-old white professional, and I’m no crazy about him, but I think he would be the best president from Day I. And that is what we need Post-trump. With Warren they would also get liberals, young and old.

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It matters to me too. He’s the only potential candidate with any real foreign policy chops. We’d be in safe hands, in that respect. Assuming dementia doesn’t kick in, because he really is too damn old for this (and Bernie is too).

My concern though, is that regardless of what he might say in a speech, he doesn’t understand the current situation. He called Pence a “nice guy,” for example. No, Pence is not a nice guy. That’s not what we need to take on Trump and Trump-ism in a must-win election cycle. And of course I’ll vote for him if he’s the candidate, I just wish he’d stick with the Elder Statesman role from the sidelines.


I like Biden, however I think it is delusional to not admit that his age is a full stop disqualifier. He’d be 78 entering the office and 86 by end of 2 terms.

The energy it will take to address the Trump years of malignant deconstruction of our government, country, and world stability is not something I want to put on the shoulders of a 78 year old.