Discussion: Joan Walsh Shuts Down Male GOP Strategist On Paul Ryan's Family Demands (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #242016

Yep. Can you imagine if a woman said “I will not give up time with my family.” Paul Ryan wants time with his family, but will be the first one to block family leave, childcare options, etc…


thank you, joan. she’s absolutely right; and frankly i had this same reaction yesterday. just imagine the hoohaw from gopland if a woman had dared to voice the same concerns. ‘well, then, stay home in the kitchen – where you belong’ – the internets would have exploded…


I happen to live in the same state as Cathy McMorris Rodgers. There are county council members who garner more press than her. Seriously. She is nothing but a token, and a shitty one at that.


“Cathy McMorris Rodgers is the House Republican conference chairman, er, chairwoman,” Heye interjected.

That’s when the moderator should have asked him why Rodgers wasn’t running.


Ryan has also promised those mulling his election to the Speaker position he will not get pregnant during his tenure. I swear, men get no credit for going the extra mile and sacrificing.


Love Joan Walsh. Everytime she speaks she goes a little deeper and a little more levelheaded than most of those around her. Always worth listening to what she has to say.


To be fair, it could have been any number of the women who are chairing a House Comm…one? Really, just one? And she’s in charge of the commitee that makes sure the carpets get cleaned and the furniture gets dusted? Well, ok. Maybe not her.
There’s really just one woman chairing a House comittee in 2015? Well, I guess that’s why women vote Democratic.


It would make Ryan’s story about needing time with his family more coherent and more believable if he would extend the same courtesy to other families. Instead he opposes paid sick leave, raising the minimum wage, paid maternity leave, child tax credits, and everything else that helps a family stay together. So either his position is one rule for me and totally different rules for everyone else or I got mine, fk you.


As an Ayn Rand enthusiast (worshipper?), that’s his motto for life in general.


Well…I don’t think I would have taken that angle. Sacrificing family time has been a part of the Speakership for years. It’s a tough time consuming job that CANNOT be done with putting in that time. There is no “quickie” way do do that job. Ryan is asking to be a Chef but go home before dinner is served or a Pilot that wants to visit his family half way between Paris and NYC. There is NO WAY to do the Speaker thing like Ryan wants to do it. If anything…given the way things are now…it’ll be more time consuming than ever. I’d leave the “woman” thing out of it.

His “you can’t fire me clause” is probably where he’s most vulnerable.


Yep, the GOP are hypocrites extraordinaire when it comes to matching their ‘family values’ with their policies. Unfortunately, the main issue is time, which doesn’t care about your gender or party. If you want to spend time with your family, then I applaud you and encourage you to continue. If you want to chase stratospheric leadership positions, then I say good luck and enjoy your ego on the way. Having both at the same time is something of a pipe dream and you should invest your time in what’s most important to you.

Well, perhaps not completely. After all, the stratos-leaders generally have hired help to actually sustain themselves. No worries about who’s making lunches, doing dishes, mopping the floor, preparing dinner, washing clothes, repairing the house, taking care of the yard (if you’re lucky enough to have the resources) and all the other domestic chores that drive stay-at-homes into the ground.


Cathy McMorris Rodgers is a graduate of Pensacola Christian College.

The school accepts a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative from the Bible and teaches students young Earth creationism. Students are taught that God created the Earth in six literal 24-hour days and its biology classes teach creationism. The 4.54 Âą 0.05 billion years age of the Earth, the Big Bang theory, and scientific theories of abiogenesis and evolution are rejected by Pensacola Christian College.
PCC policies govern many aspects of the students’ lives, including dress, hairstyles, cleanliness of residence hall rooms, styles of music, borrowing, off-campus employment, and Internet access.[15] For example, “All students are expected to dress modestly, in conservative fashions and . . . men are not to wear effeminate hairstyles or apparel.”[16]

PCC also prohibits physical contact and interaction between unwed members of the opposite sex. For example, a chaperone and “day-pass” is required for a “mixed group” for students under the age of 23. Students over the age of 23 are not required to have a chaperone on a date, but cannot go to a beach or a park after dark and cannot “visit the home of an unmarried person of the opposite gender.” Most stairwells and elevators on campus are segregated by gender.

Other prohibited activities at PCC include “fornication, adultery, homosexual behavior, or any other sexual perversion. Also, any involvement in pornography or sexual communications, including verbal, written, or electronic.” In addition, “most forms of dancing,” profanity, hazing, discrimination, gambling, stealing and “witchcraft, séances, astrology, or any other satanic practices” are also banned." Students are also not allowed to use, possess, or “associate” with alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs. Policy violations also include visiting movie theaters, patronizing unauthorized area businesses, being off campus after hours, being in a residence hall belonging to a member of the opposite sex, and engaging in social activities with members of the opposite sex as a group. The administration of PCC also reviews any reports brought to their attention of students behaving in a manner unbecoming of PCC ideals who are at home or away on school breaks while enrolled at the college.

Emerging from this background she presumes to put forth policy and law pertaining to the populace at large. Read all that again. Does it not sound very familiar to the rules put forth by the Taliban, a group Congress famously derides?

However, I agree that the Speaker should not be out spending so much time fund raising. That time should be spent managing the House and the legislative calendar.

Cut out the incessant fund raising and there might actually be time for a guy to spend more time at home. In fact, it would be best for everyone if Paul Ryan were to spend ALL his time at home.


Agree with Joan on this one, entitled man demanding perks and he will get a listening, you can bet a woman in same position would be told outright no, not a chance…


Certainly Ryan’s position is one of entitlement. But what strikes me is that the Freedom Caucus, that bastion of family values, is going crazy about it. I guess family values only count when the issue is abortion or same sex marriage.


[In a previous Congress the GOP had to invent a position at the last minute to stick a female into] - this - actually was a step up1


I seem to remember that he’s one who insisted that his interns all had to read Atlas Shrugged.

I’ve gotta wonder if anyone has mentioned to him that Rand’s work (specifically Objectivism) was one of the primary inspirations for the Satanic Bible. (yes, really)


Is Ryan asking to be Chef? Because honestly it sounds more like establishment Republicans are begging him to take the position and he doesn’t particularly want it, because he knows it is a trap that ends up with him having to deal with the same stuff that drove Boehner out. So he has gone from saying “No, I don’t want to do it,” to saying “I will only do it if these [demands he hopes will be deal breakers] are met.” I mean, yeah, he isn’t getting any flack for the requests from the establishment Republicans that are desperate for him to take the job, but the “Freedom” caucus nutters seem to be giving him a bit of flack for the ultimatums at least according to the other articles on their reactions to his demands on the front page.


Of course he insists on one rule for him and a different rule for everybody else. He is, after all, a member of Congress.

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