Discussion: Jindal: I Won't Bow To Liberals And Big Corps. Like Indiana Or Arkansas

Discussion for article #235603

Ya don’t suppose Bobby is trying to divert attention from a few other problems, do ya?

In recent weeks, the office of Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana has issued news releases about the “mindless naïveté” of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the folly of opening diplomatic relations with Cuba and the threat of radical Islam in Europe, prompting a flurry of commentary about what it all might mean to Republican voters in Iowa and South Carolina should Mr. Jindal decide, as has long been expected, to run for president.

But here in the Louisiana capital, there is mostly one topic on everyone’s mind these days, and it is quite distressingly close to home: the fiscal reckoning the state is facing (NOTE: estimate $1.6 billion deficit) for next year and perhaps for multiple budgets to come.

“Since I’ve been in Louisiana I’ve never seen a budget cycle as desperate as this one,” said Robert Travis Scott, the president of the Public Affairs Research Council, a nonpartisan group based in Baton Rouge.


I’m still processing the phrase “the shrieks of big business and the radical left.” Those damn Trotskyites at IBM aren’t going to push Bobby Jindal around!


The pander is strong in this one.


Lick my toes, Jindal boy!


Yes, Louisiana is invulnerable to any threats to their convention business. Bobby’s leash will be quickly yanked.


And the Sandinistas at Koch Plutocracies Inc.


We should encourage Mr.Jindal to inch further and further onto this precarious plank, so that when it is eventually severed, he takes the entire Republican Presidential field with him.


Jingle Bells warped view of needing to create discriminatory laws in service to this weird take on his exulted prosperity gospel, is gonna cost him and Louisiana big time. Keep fucking yourself and your State, and see how prosperous you become. It won’t be pretty.

When you find yourself in a hole, the idea is to quit digging yourself in deeper, asshole.


TPM: The system doesn’t appear to be registering my ‘hearts’ that I’m clicking for others’ comments. :o(

(I have refreshed the page … but …)


Well you know, people are easily diverted by shiny objects. Particularly social conservatives. Bush kept getting re-elected by promising them everything and they got nothing. They still didn’t learn.


Suggestion: Send them an email. They’re pretty good at responding back over site problems.


Kansas Fever is spreading. Conservative friends, always cutting taxes–especially for the well-to do–is not the answer. Moderation, balancing – even Ronald Reagan raised taxes numerous times while POTUS (nearly a dozen times, I think).


So I’m not sure the current Republican contenders have EVER learned this lesson. I’m quite grateful actually.


Today’s Indpls Star carried a letter to the editor from a right-winger, who claims that all the furor over RFRA was the result of liberals - - - sorta like Pyush’s argument. Both asshats. One of the major players opposing RFRA in Indiana was The Chamber of Commerce, that well-known bastion of liberalism. AND major corporations, another pillar of the left-wing establishment. Pyush should pull his head outta his hiney, 'cause he’s got it all wrong. Indiana is still reeling from the after-effects of the right-wing rush to stick it to LGBTs. The ONLY good thing to result from this is that Mike Pence has demonstrated how small-minded & smarmy he is - his national ambitions are toast. Now if only this State could dump him as well!


Thanks. I will. It seems to be spotty as the heart I just gave you appeared.

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“If we, as conservatives, are to succeed in advancing the cause of freedom and free enterprise, the business community must stand shoulder to shoulder with those fighting for religious liberty,” Jindal said. "

Jindal and his ilk are a bunch of disingenuous asswipes. This has nothing to do with “religious liberty”. If he and those that support this bullshit actually believed that, there would not have been massive protests at the plan to build a mosque 2 blocks from Ground Zero in New York. Or they would not rail against the idea that “Sharia Law” is being practiced in the US. Because if “religious liberty” applies to one group, it would truly apply to all.

No, this is just a legal way to practice discrimination against gay/transgender/bi people. That’s it. And they are using the bible to hide behind being able to refuse service to anyone they don’t like.


You don’t know where his mouth has been!


" I dont care how much we lose economically, we will continue discriminate against the gay community because our hate is more important than jobs and money for our state"


Guy is a nutjob in every way that I have heard about so far. I still do not understand why hating on gay people is now the standard for religious liberty. And not actual exercise of religion itself.