Not only “Gary Johnson at 8.4 percent and Jill Stein at 3.2 percent.” but neither of them will come close to those percentages in the actual vote. Not even close.
Trump, thinking aloud: If I offer $1billion to Bernie to run as independent, I will win in a landslide. I wonder if he will accept IOUs.
The commission said in its release that both Stein and Johnson will be re-evaluated for entry to later debates.
(They won’t make the other debates either)
So much for the tokin’ third party candidate.
Clinton is having a much needed fabulous day. The last thing she needed was Johnson on that debate stage tag teaming her with Trump.
America will have its first woman president before its first stoner president.
This upcoming debate is just far too important to entertain viewpoints of people who don’t have a prayer of being elected and could actually be the Ralph Nader of 2016.
Johnson said :“After all, the Commission is a private organization created 30 years ago by the Republican and Democratic parties for the clear purpose of taking control of the only nationally-televised presidential debates …”
So, the Libertarian candidate is opposed to privatization? He thinks it would be better if run or at least overseen by the Gubmint???
this is fascinating.
Those two motherfuckers also failed to qualify for sanity.
That is the way it always is with Libertarians. They only don’t want the government to run things when they see an opportunity to take personal advantage of an unregulated situation.
They always want the government to prevent you from storing scrap lead acid batteries on your property, but they hate it when they think they would like to do that themselves.
They love to fly from airports built with public money, or ship things from ports built with public money, or accept goods brought to them by trucks driven on roads built with public money… But they hate it if any of that money comes from them.
They are the worst type of hypocrit. Libertaricrit
Susan Sarandon could have been the combo-platter candidate for that.
So, the Libertarian candidate is opposed to privatization? He thinks it would be better if run or at least overseen by the Gubmint???
He’s following in the hypocritical footsteps of the apostle of rugged invidualism, Ayn Rand, who railed against Social Security and Medicare in public but privately obtained benefits from both programs using the last name of her husband, Frank O’Connor.
Both of them have shown a lack of understanding and intelligence about the function of government, the Constitution, the economy, foreign affairs or the duties of the POTUS, AND are polling far below the 15% threshold. See ya!
They can come back if and when they ever get a clue and replace their tinfoil hats with thinking caps.
The Democrats and the Republicans disagree on many things, but agree on only one:
They don’t want any third parties participating in our election process.
Jill Stein And Gary Johnson Fail To Qualify For The First Presidential Debate
What I’d rather see is:
Jill Stein And Gary Johnson Fail To Qualify For Inclusion on Election Ballots
Not in this one, at least. The stakes are way too high.
Clinton is having a much needed fabulous day.
There seems to be a dim glimmer of realization among at least a portion of the MSM that Trump has been conning them all along. That can only help Hillary, but the Democratic Party collectively and individually has to keep riding both Trump’s ass and the media’s. Being nice and polite and quiet is a loser’s game.
Two immortal words and two of the words that will appear in the first sentece of his obit: What’s Aleppo?