Discussion: Jeb Would Reverse Obama's Executive Actions By Passing Immigration Reform

Discussion for article #236239

So, he’ll reverse Obama’s action by doing what Obama has been asking for since before he signed that executive order?

More proof, if anyone needed it, that Republickens in Washington have no concern for the welfare of the country, they’re just focused on obstruction and general dickishness.

And he’s supposed to be the smart one?


It’s amazing to me that the so called Christians on the religious right refuse a path to citizenship to adults brought into this country as young children. Some were infants still in diapers when they came here. The USA is all they have ever known. Just send them back, many Rs say. These people have gone to school here, many achieving post-graduate degrees, many have or are serving in the US military. Yet Congress does nothing to figure out a solution, hence Obama’s action. As for Jeb, he says he supports a “path to legalized status” for undocumented immigrants, but “not necessarily citizenship.” Why not citizenship?

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Because that makes too much sense


Reverse??? Sounds like he wants to codify them!

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The smart one apparently thinks that congress is just going to go along with this? What because he’s white? What a joke.

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Um, not so fast there, sparky. JEB seems to think that he can maneuver policy that Pres. Obama just couldn’t because - …reasons.

If the Rethugs still control congress, then he’ll have a hard time but perhaps not as hard. W didn’t have to deal with as many disgusting knuckledraggers as JEB would face so there’s that. Yeah, they’d get rid of the Black man in the White House but Steve King rules their world.

If the Dems gain control of Congress, any immigration policy will depend on the specifics such as whether or not the policy basically grants citizenship upon being deemed second class citizens and enables the corporate world to feed at the trough of cheaper labor.

Either way, JEB’s looking at a protracted fight with someone.


If this is even possible it wouldn’t reverse the executive action, it would nullify it. I doubt the republicans will be able to pass any immigration reform and certainly nothing comprehensive. Sure, they may make it HARDER to get citizenship, but I don’t think that’s what we’re talking about.


The Corporate Oligarchs NEED a “Slave Class” to increase their obscene profits even more.
The “Dreamers” are a perfect match to what they want: A sub-class of desperate workers who can be exploited financially while socially stigmatizing them and using “fear of immigrants taking YOUR job” as a HAMMER against the Middle-Class workers to make sure they “stay in their place” and don’t dare challenge the “Masters of the Universe” or the status quo.


It also speaks of too much decency. I don’t necessarily believe that once they get rid of the usurper in the White House the surging renaissance in the Confederacy is going to just go away. In some ways, they could just double down on it because the door’s been kicked wide open by now and after a while, the beliefs become solidified.bout any issue.

In a way, whoever becomes POTUS is dealing with a country that’s in a great state of flux. And will stay that way for a long while.

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Repeal and replace. Where have we heard that before?


How is anything he’s proposing comprehensive if it doesn’t lead to citizenship? Weasel-words. He’ll let them stay here, but just not be able to become citizens where they’d be allowed to vote. Like all good RepubliCons, he knows many of those Hispanics he’s talking about, that have been so put off and disrespected by his party over the years, would never vote for the Republican party in a million years. Seems to be his failsafe method of letting immigrants stay in the country, but continuing to have no real power as long as they’re here.


Like his father before him, he’s put his manhood in a blind trust and will know no bounds of pandering.

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The optimal immigration solution for many Rs is to create a permanent underclass of workers to exploit.

“I get a sense that a lot of people can be persuaded,” Bush responded. “Do you want people to just bend with the wind, to mirror people’s sentiment whoever is in front of you? ‘Oh, yes, I used to be for that but now, I’m for this.’ Is that the way we want to elect presidents?”

I have a better question for JB. Do you want a President who supports President Obama’s idea, opposes the way he made it happen, and expects credit from voters on both sides of the issue for promising to do the same thing only better because he’s not Obama? Is that how we want to elect Presidents?

Wth is he talking about? His party has blocked comprehensive immigration reform since 2005. They skewered his brother for it and as a whole,they’ve only hardened on it since. He’s f.o.s.

Btw,that’s pretty Romneyesque of him.

did not obama ask the legislature to finally pass an immigration bill? it would then supercede his executive order. but NO! the congress would actually need to have a meaningful and realistic discussion of many difficult issues. then come to some kind of concensus and actually pass the bill. in other words, do their job. sad, but not happening. moaning about executive over-reach plays to well with the base.

He is trying to walk an incredibly thin tight rope…one that is much thinner then he realized when he stepped onto it. He thought, and perhaps still does, that he would be able to walk away with the nomination, and could therefore stake out a policy unpopular with the base in preparation for the general.

Its not shaping up that way. He is going to have to fight tooth and nail for the nomination, and immigration isn’t just an unpopular policy with the base…its a death kiss. Santorum and Walker for example, are both staking out positions against LEGAL immigration, and its playing fairly well to the base.

And while we on the left hear this and think he is talking about second class citizens with no right to vote, only to be labor…republicans hear something quite different, and probably something much closer to what Bush actually means. He knows quite well that there is zero chance of setting up a new, “voterless citizen” class in this country. Even if he had solid majorities in both houses, such a notion would be struck down by the Courts almost as soon as the ink dried. So what he is proposing, and what republicans hear, is…a path to citizenship. And that simply is not going to fly.

Combine that with his stance on Common Core and his embrace of invading Iraq (as part of a longer term meme of suddenly embracing W in general), and this interview is going to be damaging to him in the polls. If there are smart GOP operatives, they will have the piece near the end about not changing his views on permanent file…because this primary is going to force Bush to change his stated views on nearly everything he answered here…as apparently he is already trying to do with the “I misunderstood the question” walk back of the Iraq question.

Well, yeah: just ask Mom, Poppy, my wife, my flacks, and even me in at least some of my comments possibly depending on how you want to interpret them.

Look, I recognize you may be trying to make a funny, but I actually think this guy’s dumber than Florida swamp gas.