Discussion for article #236115
He Takes Mideast Advice From George W. Bush.
Game over dude.
Dumber than the dumb one.
Mission Accomplished!
What could possibly go wrong?
Asked who he turns to for relationship advice, the Governor answered, “Ike Turner.”
Via a ouija board, I presume?
The only reason the christianists support Israel is that Israel must exist for Armageddon and the cRapture.
Did Jeb have a lobotomy without anyone noticing? His brother and evil puppet master Cheney were the architects of the biggest foreign policy blunder ever: the illegal, immoral war on Iraq. I am reading a biography of Pat Tillman and reliving how and when we were lied into Iraq. People should read about the aftermath of 9-11 and how some of us were duped into the tragedy and crime of invading Iraq.
Mission Accomplished! Good night folks! We’re all done here!
Diet Advice: Chris Christie
Party Etiquette: The Palin Family
This is a good thing, because George W. Bush took advice from God on what to do in the Middle East.
I don’t see anything wrong with Jebbie consulting Georgie. I often look into the toilet bowl and ask questions and take advice from the turd that swirling in the bowl
Guess the current generation of Bushes support Israel in an attempt to make up for the fact that their Grandfather helped the Nazis hide money leading up to WWII.
You’re either too kind to Bush or not kind enough to turds. He’s lower then whale shit…and so, it appears, is “Jeb!” But, just ask Michael Schiavo what he thinks of brave Sir Bush. Can you spell “pandering”?
Jeb already hired Paul Wolfowitz and one or two other W advisers that got the US into Iraq, so it’s not surprising Jeb is also getting advice from the brother who made it all possible. A Jeb presidency would certainly be interesting, as in the Chinese curse “may you live in interesting times” sort of interesting.
Just a moment.
Jeb actually took advice from THIS guy?
Did he actually say that out loud? Apparently he’s been away for a very long time.
Economics Adviser: Arthur Laffer
Science Adviser: Michelle Bachmann
Housing and Urban Development Advisor: Donald Trump
Energy Advisers: The Koch Bros.
Health Adviser: Philip Morris
Drug Enforcement: Rush Limbaugh
Pandering to Billionaire Zionists.
If you are a Republican Presidential Candidate you MUST kiss the ring (or ass) of;
A) Sheldon Adelson if you are a Tea Bagger Republican.
B) Wall Street Hedge Fund Managers if you are a Corporatist Republican.
Then, it’s on to the Fascist Billionaires like the KOCH BROS. to kiss their, well you know…
Either way you are just a high-priced whore.