Discussion: Jeb Bush Wants To 'Figure Out A Way To Phase Out' Medicare

Yes Jeb, let’s phase out Medicare so we can can another tax cut to the top 1%. You know what, what we really need to “phase out” are plutocrat politicians such as the Bush family.



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The firm of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe…


Well, that certainly convinces me! I’m going to throw in the towel RIGHT NOW and just wait for my new Republican OverLord to give me my marching orders…


I’ll bring the matches… :smiling_imp:

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Did he get those socks from the Wicked Witch of the East?

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How to phase out Medicare? First, give up all hope of holding an elective office again.

It’s like Jebya is deliberately trying to sabotage his own campaign, like he feels forced to run by his handlers and wants to get clobbered and knocked out ASAP.

Thank you! I’m bringing my concealed carry gasoline squirt gun. I’ll make sure the butt-hole supreme is soaked good before you throw a lit one his way. If he tries to run, my sister is bringing her concealed carry pistol. I told her to aim for the knees only. He needs to suffer.


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Explain to me again why anyone would vote for this guy…

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Campaign ad gold!

The Bush crime family has hurt this country like no other.

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Poppy’s getting idiosyncratic in his dotage.

There is a certain element in our country that is hell bent on creating an American Oligarchy. The plan goes something like this;

  1. Destroy the middle class by destroying unions and gutting labor laws. Legions of lobbyists and lawyers would be deployed to pursue and implement financial, Regulatory, and tax policies that benefit only the elite class.

  2. Control Women’s choices over their bodies and “keep them in their place”. This would force them into poverty with no choice but to forcefully create and contribute to a population of impoverished underclass citizens created by the policies described above. Women would be prevented from ever thinking about careers that provide choices and upward mobility.

  3. Create a ready made pool of desperate,impoverished laborers willing to take any job and work slave wages to provide cheap labor benefiting the elite.

  4. Create a ready made warrior pool who will willing join the military as a means out of poverty to fight and die in NEOCON wars.

  5. Enact voting registration laws and influence the media with money that will ensure desired election outcomes.

  6. Gut healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security severely enough that most members of the population pool created above will have enough decency to die prior to reaching retirement age never to become a “burden” on the Oligarchy’s version of a perfect society.

  7. The answer to all of society’s problems for this Oligarchy would be Soy-lent Green.

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Lol- Jeb was supposed to have been the smart one. Must have just been a Karl Rove spin.
“Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than open it and remove all doubt”.

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Does he even understand what he is saying? What a tautology- we need to find an alternative to Medicare because people won’t have Medicare because we will take away Medicare. Positively Palinesque!

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The plan is to replace it with coupons. That will be easy for seniors to keep track of. Hell, I can hardly find my keys; and don’t get me started about my glasses.

Come to think of it, I am pretty good at keeping my BedBath&Beyond coupons on hand. Maybe my Dr would accept those?

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Coupons> COUPONS!? WTF??? (hand to forehead…rolls eyes)
Every damned time these yahoos “refine” something that works they screw it up. Example They wanted to fund Social Security by a scheme involving the stock market. I guess the assumption was the market would be going up steadily forever. Suuuure it will.

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Well, I call them coupons. THEY call them “vouchers.” What’s the diff? Either way we’re screwed if they ever manage to gut Medicare and SS.

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I’m retired. It would be nearly impossible for me to find work at a livable wage at 66 yrs old. And I do not feel like working 2 jobs at menial wage after having worked 45+ years doing scientific research at a medical school. If I were in my 50’s I might just be able to pull it off but at 66 who would hire me? I suspect Jeb hasn’t the 1st clue about getting a regular job or what ordinary folk go thru.

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