Discussion: Jeb Bush Wants To 'Figure Out A Way To Phase Out' Medicare

Poppy suffered a fractured neck bone and also has a spot of Parkinson’s but without being at the Maine HQ to verify it, I’m pretty sure Medicare factors into his treatment. Let’s start with no coverage for any bushie over 65, shall we…


Another GOP’er that want’s to take something away. And then yak about freedom.


“I think we need to be vigilant about this and persuade people that our, when your volunteers go door to door, and they talk to people, people understand this. They know, and I think a lot of people recognize that we need to make sure we fulfill the commitment to people that have already received the benefits, that are receiving the benefits,” Bush said. “But that we need to figure out a way to phase out this program for others and move to a new system that allows them to have something – because they’re not going to have anything.”

IF the transcript is correct, I can see how a few heads in the TPM commenting space are exploding. My gosh, he is even a “speaker of English”.

EDIT: Evidently grammar and structure aren’t his forte either.


This is the former governor of Florida. FLORIDA. Isn’t Florida one of the capitals of Medicare users? Isn’t that why candidates work so hard to woo there, because of the huge contingent of AARP/Medicare voters?

I thought Jeb was supposed to be the smart one. We haven’t even gotten a chance to nail him on Stand Your Ground or the vast overreach on the Terri Schiavo case yet…he just keeps adding more logs to the fire.

“Phase out the program for others” = I got mine, fuck you and yours because our long standing GOP plan on health care is that if you should get sick, just die already and stop bothering us, you great unwashed mass of humanity I am here to exploit.


After his reelection dumber brother spoke about privatizing Social Security, but only for a few minutes. Jed! will pick up on that misbegotten strategery pretty soon as well.


This ass and the GOP really want to see others suffer. Come January 2016, they’re already going to be sending many thousands of us into the streets and even more hungry. Anyone on SSI or SSDI will see their monthly benefits cut 20% or more. For those of us unlucky enough to not receive any housing assistance and pay full rent are up shit creek. I am an SSDI recipient. My landlord has already informed me my rent will still go up the normal amount in January – even though this building and its management firm receives some HUD monies. Because most all low income housing is partly private-funded (usually a third), they are not subject to the whims of hate-filled House GOP members who altered the funding formulas for SSDI, SSI and SSOAR (Old Age & Retirement fund). Those on SSOAR will not be affected – only us poorer disabled “moochers.”

I truly HATE the Bushes and their ilk. I would smile ear to ear for the rest of my life if they went broke and penniless tomorrow and had to live not knowing where their next meal was coming from. Those fuckers would deserve a wretched, painful, hungry life. Yes, I mean that.


Trust me, what you apparently think is ‘exploding’ is really just uproarious laughter.

Exploding implies concern, or worry. Neither of which is applicable to Jeb!?

The campaign ads just about write themselves.
And even if it’s not the DNC, there are groups who know how to use this material to ensure this bufoon will never, ever, be President of the United States.


Let me be blunt-FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE! And I am not alone on this thought.


‘" Figure Out A Way To Phase Out’ Medicare…"

Jeb, be prepared to have this shoved farther up your fundament than any endoscope could ever be.


I think it’s going to be interesting in the next few years that we’ll get to see the results of what a nation of retirees dependent on 401(k)'s looks like. As the boomers eventually move into our last phase of living, the country will see just how effective those Charles Schwab commercials were in the early 2000’s when everyone and their brother thought they could be a daytrader. What remains is what we get to live on. For who knows how long.

In a way, some hipsters might want to look at their parents generation as an object lesson in what happens when you don’t have a safety net.


Well, you know, he’s got to get like. People. People who know about this sort of stuff. Medicare. They’re going to have to go there to the doors. Well, to their doors, the people who have doors and you know and talk to them about how we’ll have something different. Not for the people that had or have Medicare but the others. We need to let them know they’ll get something. We don’t know what that something is but we’re going to figure it out because America. That’s why.


I see what you are saying but my comment wasn’t clear about my intent and i apologize for that. Maybe the added edit will clarify.

Somebody needs to tell old Jeb that the 90’s are over and his side already lost this war. This is what happens when they put politicians in cold storage for too long. And yes, he was doing the Han Solo pose as they lowered him down.


Gotta wonder … does Jeb Bush have a serious drinking problem?

Message: I care.

Poppy ca 1992


Sure. It’s called single payer.


Oh great! Stick it to the seniors and most of the old white male republicans will eat this up. Seniors are just living too high on the hog, yes sireeeeee.

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Medicare exists because the private sector didn’t want sick old people in the insurance pool. They are not about to take them back, either, without huge subsidies.

This will fail not out of compassion for seniors, but because Insurance companies don’t want the expense.


What we experience chez blue is headshaking bewilderment with the occasional Bronx cheer when Jed! engages in the lingua franca of the bushies.


Jebby’s and the Republicans’ “Medicare Alternative” hasn’t changed one teensy’ bit since Mittens and LyinRyan’ unveiled it:

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