Discussion: Jeb Bush Sidesteps Giuliani Comments, Won't Question Obama's 'Motives'

Discussion for article #233503

Just another W (weasel).


Iā€™m glad. He has been too busy cleaning up your brotherā€™s messes to have ā€œdisastrous policies.ā€


But I question YOUR motives, Senor Arbusto.

How could you possibly believe that it would be prudent for you to run for President a mere 8 years after your brother (from whose team of advisors you are freely utilizing) has been deemed (even by Republicans) as one of the worst Chief Executives in modern American political history?


This is why I believe that Jeb has been way over rated. He could of said something like ā€œof course president Obama is a patriot and a good American and Giulianiā€™s stupid remarks have no place in our politics.ā€ But no, the asshole had to use the most weaselest weasel words even trumping (no pun intended) his epic ā€œmistakes were madeā€ in Iraq. I hope in 2016, HRC kicks the living shit out of this motherfuckerā€¦


Two full days to come up with a response, and all his team can come up with is this non-responsive attempt to please everyone that only infuriates everyone which he drops on a late Friday afternoon like a frozen cat turd buried in the snow? I donā€™t know if Iā€™m more impressed by the political ineptitude, the lack of moral courage, or the complete unwillingness to take a risk.


No decent person should be sidestepping Giulianiā€™s remarks. I guess there are no decent Republicans. I donā€™t find that surprising, but it is disappointing. Jeb is just another member of the ā€˜lowest of the lowā€™ party.


OK, itā€™s pet peeve time and I apologize for this, but it you write ā€œno pun intendedā€ when you have a chance to edit what you wrote (which you always do) then the pun is intended. 'Cause you could have edited it out.

That said, the rest of your comment is awesome and I am a jackass for saying this. But pet peeves are compelling! I canā€™t stop myself! And now that I wrote I canā€™t stop myself itā€™s no different from writing no pun intended.

Boy, I suck. :frowning:

And believe him, with his family and his own life, they know disastrous policies. I would never vote for this guy based on just who his kin are but the Terry Schiavo travesty years ago was enough. Theyall talk about the Presā€™ ā€œlawlessnessā€ which is really a stretch when you decided as governor to overreach your limits of power to drag that family through years of hell. No thanks,you donā€™t belong anywhere near the White House.


Iā€™m now laughing at Donnie Deutsch on Morning Joke this A.M. when he said 'Jeb Bush would never give a weasel response" and Joe nodding in stupid agreement.


Just what the fuck does he mean by motives? Fuck all of you scum sucking republicans


Even stupid John McCains stepped up to the plate when a woman on the campaign trail called Obama an Arab. It was probably the first ad last time John McCain showed some cohones


Me too. Hoping this will be another nail in the coffin for Morning Joe.


ā€œDisastrous policies?ā€ but he refuses to talk about his brotherā€™s bankrupt foreign and fiscal polices. Heā€™s going have one difficult time navigating campaign and try to criticize the Obama Administration that been cleaning up his brother mess.


While I donā€™t agree about the pun, I have to say youā€™re funny. :slight_smile: Thanks for the chuckle. As for the pun, it may well have not been intended before/when it was said/written, just discovered after the fact. Not editing it out does not, IMO, make it an ā€œintendedā€ pun ex post facto.

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I strongly encourage every Republican to run in 2016 on ā€œObama hates Americaā€. Thatā€™s the ticket to a landslide for Hillary or any other Dem.


Jeb is George W. Have no illusions.


I typed the word ā€œtrumpā€ and then thought to myself, ā€˜thatā€™s funny I didnā€™t mean to but the subject matter was in the ā€œDonaldā€ territory and the use of the word ā€œtrumpā€ was apropos to the statementā€™. Because it fit the narrative, I wanted to leave it in but I also didnā€™t wanted to you, the reader, to think that I intended a pun. If I were to edit ā€˜trumpā€™ out, I would have had to come up with a new word. Leaving in the old word trumps (no pun intended) any attempt to think up a new wordā€¦

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Decency in the GOP has been redefined, the same way the Bushes redefined ā€œbroccoliā€ as ā€œpoisonā€.


Huh, I thought Governor Bush didnā€™t want to dwell in the past. Maybe he, being his own man and all, wanted to give someone in the pale horde of camp followers the opportunity to use the word ā€˜gistā€™ while making another little fist?