Bush doesn’t question the President’s “motives.”
The word ‘motives’ says all we need to know about this scum bucket.
Bush doesn’t question the President’s “motives.”
The word ‘motives’ says all we need to know about this scum bucket.
Get a kennel for your pets (peeves) … you’ll be a happier you.
Very sad that we need to reach back 7 YEARS to find the last time a republican took a stand against the ridiculous hatred of our fine and very decent President.
1000 times thumbs up!
“Governor Bush doesn’t question President Obama’s motives. He does question President Obama’s disastrous policies,”
Eventually one of the Republican douche bags is going to have to identify one of these “disastrous policies”. I don’t think our timid backwards press will ever ask though.
Jebbie looked up from the salad he was eating at a 100K per head fundraiser to toss some word salad our way.
Jebbie’s been out of politics a long time, so his most likely role model is the dumber brother and his war mongering neocon advisers. So far his statement son foreign affairs has been incoherent, and in a debate with a former Secretary of State, she’d wipe the floor with him. Or spread some marmalade on the toast he will be.
so at the end of day two still no GOPer with backbone to confront their idiot base by just saying…the president of the united states, elected twice by a clear majority loves America as much as you , I or anyone else, So shut it.
but no…this lot still has to pretend to their idiot base…who can only win when nobody else shows…that their’s is the majority opinion.
good luck with that
He says that his brother was a great president, and yet his brother ended up leaving office with one of the biggest economic disasters in history, and yet he has the nerve to say President Obama’s policies are disastrous. Anyone who is buying what Jeb Bush is selling are idiots.
To me the real question is, does Jeb love America more than he loves money and power? Jury’s still out on that.
I would submit that he’s nailed the trifecta with all three. And come next winter when he’s glad-handing his way around New Hampshire we’ll have a fine collection of frozen cat turds for him. Oh, wait, we’ll be able to pass some on to him this year.
The MSM generally, the Beltway Mafia specifically, along with the “false equivalency people”, work diligently to keep America from getting behind this President, (unlike the last guy who pulled the country out of a Depression).
The idea is to maintain a 45-45 split, at all costs (sacrificing even national security and important issues like employment, infrastructure, climate and energy) so as to create the “drama” which the MSM will almost addictively gobble up, as the sponsors, money, donors (and mouse clicks) start coming in the effort to “convince” the sleepy, distracted “middle” to “pick a side”…
A lot of people don’t remember what a truly nasty affair the 2000 election was even before the mess in Florida, in which this Bush participated. The nastiness in part was just the constant snark from the Bush campaign–no subject was exempt from a low blow. Appparently, some establishment Republicans are willing to spend money to try to elect another Bush in the middle of a disaster in the Mideast that has a lot to do with his family’s financial and political doings. This “I don’t question his motives” comment is also the kind of stuff we heard from the Romney camp, John Sununu being the notable example.
This was the first time this clown had a chance to show some character, some class and some respect for the office he seeks and which honorably served by Barack Obama, my president. For any faults he may have, oh, how we will miss Obama.
Obama’s disastrous policies:
Getting out of Iraq (which he had to do after Dubya signed the Status of Forces Agreement that mandated it), and which he RAN ON, and was elected to do.
Enslaving 11,000,000 people by helping them get affordable health care.
Working on an agreement to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons (key disastrous word here for Republicans: AGREEMENT)
Not sucking Netanyahu’s di*k
Being black.(Ok, not a POLICY, but he’s guilty of it nonetheless)
He’s an
“Disastrous policies”
Pulled the economy out a ditch.
Double-digit unemployment back down to under 6%.
Stock market nearly tripled.
Kill the mastermind of 9/11
Ended 2 wars.
Didn’t start another.
Instituted the beginning of universal healthcare.
Yeah those are some disastrous policies
His disastrous policies???
You mean all this President has done (alone by the way) to clean up YOUR brothers total disastrous policies???
Going on 8 years of cleanup, and doing a great job of it too!
Look who isn’t ready for prime time!!
Nope, jury is in…it’s money and power!
That is exactly what I said. Motives??
Another prime example that republican candidates are weak, incompetent and don’t have the gravitas to lead this country FOR ALL THE PEOPLE (especially Bush).