On one hand she´s right; who will clean up after these useless people?
But on the other, it makes me want to buy a guillotine. Or hire an immigrant to make one.
"we need immigrants. Who’s going to vacuum our living rooms and clean up after us?"
And who’s going to buy our used Mercedes and BMWs?
Ivana Trump told the Post that she's been offering advice to her ex-husband as he runs
for president
Keep up the good work, girl.
SPARE US , With your nonsense.
Ivana Trump told the Post that she’s been offering advice to her ex-husband as he runs for president, telling him to “be more calm.”
That worked out well.
However, [ex-wife Ivana Trump] expressed support for Donald Trump’s policies on immigration.
“I have nothing against Mexicans, but if they [come] here — like this 19-year-old, she’s pregnant, she crossed over a wall that’s this high," she told the Post.
So the wall doesn’t work after all? Maybe you should tell that to your ex, Ivana.
Looks like she uses the same hair stylist as Donald .
Ivana taught Donald all her hair-styling techniques. Everything that goes on or in his head, Donald got from Ivana.
We need immigrants to do the jobs that Americans won’t do? That tells me we’re not paying enough for those jobs, and the conditions are crap.
Cleanup in Aisle T… Cleanup in Aisle T…
and tell us Ivana what manner of gainful employment you ever been involved in other than one of Donald’s early arm candy before you got too old and were thrown to the curb .
Oh wait, Mr Google has a tale to tell
“Although the settlement remains sealed by the courts, it is rumored that Ivana received $20 million; the $14 million family estate in Connecticut; a $5 million housing allowance; $350,000 annual alimony; all of her jewelry; and 49% of Mar-a-Lago, the family home in Palm Beach, Florida, that also serves as a private …”
Not bad for and old whore
Says the immigrant.
Hmmm… Suppose she’s trying to subtly stick it to Donald?
According to the Post, aides to Ivana Trump called following the interview to walk back her comment that he’s not a feminist. They then said he was not a feminist again before finally calling to say that he is a feminist, according to the Post.
This wasn’t my favorite part. Well, maybe it was. No, it wasn’t. Yes, it was.
“Who’s going to vacuum our living rooms and clean up after us?”
Certainly not Donald, with those tiny hands of his.
…telling him to “be more calm.”
Let your followers clean up to people speaking against you.
"immigrants will take jobs that Americans don't want to do."
One of them being Mrs. Donald Trump.
Perhaps the problem is that it is an ugly wall. Trump is going to build a beautiful wall which will leave everybody mesmerized and unable to continue.
I guess she’s partly right. They do make messes of everything they touch. But she needs to learn to clean up after herself. She’s almost as disgusting as her ex husband.