“Why must tempting females continue to lie and harass our noble and innocent candidates?”
999, baby…
“It’s very toxic here.” Thank you for that bit of wisdom, Captain Obvious. I suspect, however, that it is not toxic in the way you imagine, nor for the reasons you imagine.
Toxic? It’s toxic that women now feel empowered to report on how they’ve been harassed and assaulted? But women being harassed and assaulted doesn’t seem to be a problem for him. Mr. Kudlow - you are part of the problem.
Funnily enough it’s like with pizzas, you nominate nine sexual assaulters and the tenth one is free.
“Lord knows, in this town, you know– I come here to work in the White House once every 35 years. It’s very toxic here. More than I’ve ever seen.”
I have a feeling this may become the new Republican hobbyhorse. Democrats = Socialists is a bit of a loser and they probably know that. This is something they can really ride, all the way to the election.
Donnie is filling the toxic swamp, not emptying it. Swampy Donnie, heal thyself!!!
Well, there’s a NSFW street expression for the idea that women are not telling the truth, and you’re thinking that’s basically what they’re going with? I don’t know, seems like alienating all the women and all the decent men is—what they’ve been doing all along, now that I think about it. Keep it up, you’re on a streak here.
What’s truly sad about the state of our politics is that this could be the next slogan the GOP actually tries to use to justify its nominees.
Well it’s what Trump did, and he won so why not? Nothing to lose and definitely more aggrieved male votes to gain. And don’t forget the women who defended both Trump and Kavanaugh. They’re ripe for the picking too.
There’s more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in our philosophy.
“Disagrees with this point of view”
these charges don’t necessarily “pan out”
Doesn’t this guy have a background in media? Because these are not just bad answers, the language sounds ham-handed, condescending. Unprepared. Is he ad-libbing?
I question it as a long-term thing. It’s like an overconfident Russian roulette player saying, “No problem, I put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger last time and it went fine!”
the question now is whether Senate Republicans want to defend Cain during a public hearing in which (at least) four credible women testify against him.
the GOP got away with it when it started out with just one woman (anita hill, christine blasey ford) whose character and credibility could be smeared. But do they really want to try that with four women?
He’s a born hack, and what makes people hacks is doing things the easy, lazy way.
We can be thankful the accusers didn’t stalk HRC around the stage as moron did.
If these beasts can successfully portray themselves as anti- elitists, then there’s a real chance they could pick up a handful of my close female relatives. I’ll never forget that photo of woman at women’s shelter weeping with joy when OJ was found innocent. It’s a part of the human psyche that always boils beneath the surface.
Yes it’s a risk. You’re right. But I think we all know the Republicans got nothin’. And this is an issue that’s going to influence votes, no way around it. So they’re definitely going to use it. If I’ve implied it’s going to be their signature campaign issue, that’s just my tendency to over-statement. It will be one of numerous themes, but to my mind it’s a particularly dangerous one.
The depth of his economic skills.