Discussion: Israeli Intel Firm Gave Rick Gates Plans For Fake Social Accounts To Prop Up Trump

Well of course Gates didn’t accept their offer, when you already have one doing the work for you for free why pay for another one?


Talk about biting the hand that feeds…what up with that?


Psy-Group gave Gates at least three proposals that involved using social media manipulation to prop up then candidate Trump, according to copies of the plans obtained by the Times and interviews with four people involved in the documents’ creation. The company is staffed by former Israeli intelligence officials.

This is what they did and what they do. We need to be extra vigilant on this type of activity in the midterms and in the next presidential race. We were caught flat footed before. Lets hope we don’t repeat the same mistakes. And that includes trolls that act like they’re on our side but their posts indicates they are not.

Remember to vote BLUE.


Bibi. It’s what he does.


Is anyone surprised that Booby Nincompoopo would prop up a Republican.

I wonder how Booby justifies propping up a racist President who defends Nazis?


I was sort of thinking about this when I read comments here disparaging Avenatti. So many complain that Dems have no backbone and don’t fight. Then someone shows up who fights back hard and all of sudden right wing memes of Avenattit being a circus show up here.

Here’s a guy who brought down Cohen, went to represent families in the immigration debacle and then took on Kavanaugh and still may push on that scene in the near future and some on the left throw him under the bus. Sometime it takes a circus to fight a circus.


Why would anyone need to buy the “plans”. Isn’t it basically self evident what needs to be done and how to set up fake accounts???

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The connection between Israeli Intelligence and Cambridge Analytica has been there for all to see for years, yet nobody dares talk about it as they will immediately be branded as “Anti-Semitic”.

Netenyahu and the Israeli Mob have also been working hand-in-hand with Russian Oligarchs for years, yet nobody wants to talk about it. ALL of Micheal Cohen’s buddies are in the Israeli Mob and many have connections to Israeli Intelligence agencies and Russian Oligarchs too, yet it is forbidden to talk about those connections.


I noticed that as well. I really think a lot on our side do not have the stomach for a fight. Because we claim to want one but when there is an opportunity there is no shortage of people on the Left coming out on TV or on websites admonishing those that do (like when Cruz or Sanders was denied service).

A lot of these same people claim they want someone with a spine but the moment they get someone they don’t have his/her back.


It’s fear. It’s the, “Oh we don’t want to look bad!” Fuck that. Go for the jugular like the opposition does or get out of the way I say.


I read somewhere today and the first time I read about Psy-Group, that Donald Trump, Jr. was at this meeting. Not just Gates.

Michael Cohen was tight with the Russian mob. The Trump organization got its funding from the Russians because US banks would not lend Trump money after all his bankruptcies.


And the Israeli regime is purportedly our allies? Yeah, sure.

Putin, Trump and Netanyahu - a gangster troika.


Fred Trump was friends with Bibi back in the eighties:

During the 1980s, Fred Trump became friends with future-Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, who was the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations in Manhattan.

When Fred was giving Donald $200,000 yearly starting at age two in 1948, back then, $200,000 was the equivalent of 2 million today.


a) what did Israel have to gain with a Tramp presidency? As far as I can see, he’s destabilized the Mideast more than any president since Israel was created.
b) why are we suddenly a target for these election interference operations? Is it because the right and fringe independents have become more conspiracy-oriented and easily manipulated?
c) Will there be sanctions against Israel for this attempted interference when the pResident is gone?
d) Tramp is already planting the seed of illegitimate elections in the foxheads. Is this going to continue, and how can we as citizens fight back?

I know. Innocent abroad.

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Why are we suddenly the target? I am sure obvious reasons you already suspect…we are one of the big monkeys on the block and extremely impotant.

The other is the rightwing has spread like a cancer throughout all the greasy back alleys of international espionage and intrigue. They are looking for an edge, a profit, and any blind areas that our govt. can’t control to start all their political meth-labs and grift. Elliot Broidy for example, Erik Prince, Manafort, Gates, etc.

And the other reason is the rightwing here is running out of time and white people. They have to utilize every single advantage to win elections, including I believe flipping electronic voting data on election night. And of course, recruiting every dark arts, black ops, psy ops international ratfuckery operation in the world. I think the MOMENT you pop up as playing with Cambridge Analytica or Black Ice or whichever, you need your neck stretched at the US Treason Tree.

Is that “important” or “impotent”?

Because with all these people jumping in our process and our inability/unwillingness to do anything, it sure feels like the second.

and @valgalky23

I think Avenatti’s great for what he’s doing, at the level he’s doing it, and I wouldn’t mind seeing him get even more coverage. Truly. I think his fighting instincts are fabulous.

But to have him represent the Democratic party in some major way? I don’t think so. I’m not saying he couldn’t run for something if he wants but the talk about him being a fighter and what we need is overblown and doesn’t convince me.

Oh, our side needs Avenattis, I’d be happy to see him duplicated and out there in the dozens, but the official Democratic party? Not really.

What the Democratic party needs is to bring forward the talent it already has. The Clinton-dominated hegemonic structure of the party wasn’t good for it, and it wasn’t good for our side generally. The only good thing to come out of Hillary Clinton losing the election is that fact that hers and her husband’s dominance is over and the party has the potential to be more open and bring other voices forward.

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I’m not sure if what he is doing is representing the Democratic Party. I think he is fighting because his client has been maligned so much. Same with people like Ana Navarro; she always rails against trump with a lot of people within the Democratic Party and liberals/progressives in agreement. However I don’t think she represents the Democratic Party.

That said, I’d have no problem with Avenetti joining the ranks of the Party. I feel we need more fighters and people that know how to go toe to toe with someone like trump and people in the GOP. At least he is stepping up and not shrinking away. And if there are talent within the Party that can do the same, I’m all for them stepping up - they’d have my full backing. But since they are few and far between, I don’t see why it’s necessary to whine about Avenetti, particularly when many in our Party are always talking about people that lack spine and so forth. We need as many people as possible on the front lines, IMO.

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