Discussion for article #225114
And the innocents will rebuild ,how ?
Like 200 wild bulls running amok in a china shop, and then blaming the china for being fragile. Why is the phrase “war crimes” or “crimes against humanity” found nowhere in this article?
The people suffer from the arrogance and ignorance of the appointed leaders like bibi and his zionist cabal! Who never want Peace and broke it in 2008 and 2012 and now this.
All the people…the Israeli and the Palestinian…But mostly the Palestinian
Cut off the $4 Billion gift to these cretins.
The truly sad part of the story is only about ten percent of the 12.7 million Jews in the world are Semites and have any ties to ancient Israel according to Dr Eran Elhaik, an Israeli geneticist.
Ninety percent of the world’s 12.7 million Jewish population is Ashkenazi.
Ashkenazi ancestry comes from Slav, Bulgar, Iranian and Turkic tribes which established the Khazar empire in that region – which at its peak stretched from Kiev in the West to the Aral Sea in the Southeast.
The Palestinians are Semites and have ancestral ties to their land.They’ve had over ninety percent of Palestine taken from them by a people who mostly have no ties to the land. Ironic that Israel’s right-wing zealots are themselves the true anti-Semitics when it comes to the Palestinians.
None of that really matters as America keeps funding Israel’s expansion. In essence, we’re funding the slaughter of innocent civilians. It would be called state sponsored terrorism if it were happening anywhere else. We most likely always will fund Israel and keep looking the other way because as Ariel Sharon Said Oct 3rd 2001:
“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . … I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”
Mommy, what’s the Geneva Conventions??
They could start by electing actual leaders who care about their well being. Hamas hates Israel much more than it loves the Palestinians and this will never end as long as they are running things in Gaza.
Israel, even according to this article, is giving a warning to the civilian population before they strike while Hamas is deliberately using them as human shields. Israel also agreed to the cease fire while Hamas rejected it, I would argue Israel is showing more concern for Palestinian lives than Hamas is.
I now realize that the State of Israel and Hamas form a symbiotic relationship, and both need each other for the goals of each group. In the case of the State of Israel, they need an enemy to demonize, so that they can proceed with their expansionist project. Hamas fills that bill perfectly, as they are extremely militant and not that bright.
Hamas needs the State of Israel to continue its barbaric bombing, so that more and more Palestinians are victimized and radicalized. That is a sure way of building support and becoming the spokesmen for the Palestinian cause. This is an outcome which the State of Israel desires.
I place greater blame on the State of Israel because it is they who are being duplicitous. They claim to want a peace process, whereas their actions plainly indicate the opposite. They are driven by an interpretation of Zionism in which a particular geographical region is considered sacred, and they therefore must possess it.
As Josh Marshall has stated in a post today, “Remember, Israel is infinitely stronger than her local adversaries. She could easily dictate a peace.” I agree. But as it currently stands, their verbal support of a peace process is only to cover their tracks in the court of international (largely American) opinion.
How many more civilian murders will Israel continue to perform until we stop this terrorist nation?
You are simply wrong. Elhaik is one researcher whose “findings” are contradicted by virtually every other study of Jewish and Middle Eastern populations in the last decade and a half or so. Those studies demonstrate that not only are Ashkenazi Jews most closely linked to Sephardic populations, but to the Palestinian Arab population:
Source: http://www.khazaria.com/genetics/abstracts-jews.html
Toss in history, linguistics, traditions–all you–and Elhaik–have done is adopt an outdated theory whose main adherents are antisemites and Arthur Koestler, for whom the theory was linked to his own break from Zionism and desire to eliminate a link with the Land of Israel.
Incidentally,while the vast majority of the world’s Jews are Ashenazim, about half of Israel’s Jewish population is Sephardi and Mizrahi; moreover, in terms of your reference to “right wing fanatics,” it is precisely the Sephardim and Mizrahim who have been the main support of Likud and the right since 1977.
And to clarify, the term “semitic” was developed in the 18th century to refer to linguistics–a family of languages, with no genetic implication. The term “antisemitic” by contrast was developed in the late 19th century specifically to refer to prejudice against Jews. Bias against Arabs may be racist, it is not antisemitic.
They could start by electing actual leaders who care about their well being
And that’s been so easy here–in a peaceful democracy–hasn’t it?
Mmmmm, because it’s unclear what “war crimes” if any have been committed. It is not a “war crime” to conduct military operations in civilian areas as long as precautions are taken to avoid civilian casualties, which as both this article–and the reality of the statistics (in which 90 percent of Israeli attacks have caused no deaths) suggest Israel has been doing.
Well, Billy, it’s the code of military law that, among other things, allows for military operations in civilian areas if proper precautions–like warning civilians and giving them a chance to evacuate–are taken.
Incidentally–and as a PA official pointed out–it is Hamas that violates that convention (which of course, it hasn’t signed and doesn’t recognize) every time it launches a rocket at a civilian area.
A perusal of the comment boards around the web regarding current situation would indicate that fewer and fewer Americans are willing to defend Israel’s actions and fewer and fewer Israel apologists. Personally I’d like to stop seeing my tax money go Israel. I dont’ see why I should be forced to support a religiously fundamentalist rogue state intent on Apartheid.
Yes, I have noticed that the tenor of the comments to Roger Cohen’s column in the NYT has changed from what it would have been in the past. I also notice little things in reporting, like Robert Siegel pointing out a couple of days ago on NPR that Gaza is about twice the size of DC, and had had at that point 1500 Israeli bombings. The only comfort I get out of all of this is that prevaricators and obfuscators like uberjude and mjv135 are fighting a rear-guard action which is going to lose in the fight for the hearts and minds of American public opinion.
Edit: Can’t forget "leftwing"zionist, who could possibly be the biggest bullshitter of the lot.
In what way is Israel a religiously fundamentalist state? There are 12 parties represented in the Knesset, all there by popular election, and about 25 others that have formerly held seats, and will likely again. Their personnel and goals could not be more different. Carlos Fiance talks about the delivery of facts as “obfuscation” because he doesn’t like the sympathetic tone. Now you’re trying to demonize Israel in a way that is entirely inaccurate. Having sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians should not include falsifying reality.
“No Israeli may marry outside his faith community. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens from the former Soviet Union who are not Jewish or whose Jewish ancestry is in doubt are unable to marry at all inside Israel.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_in_Israel
I dunno. Sounds kinda fundamentalist to me.
J’accuse, Judy. Your propaganda work for this killing in the Ghetto is helping to sell the deaths of innocent people. You value Jewish life way above that of non-Jews. You are not righteous.
And do you know where many of the Sephardim, the majority of Jews in Israel, came from? You need a history and a genetics lesson before spouting anti-Semitic theories with no basis aimed at denying the legitimacy of Jews’ ties to Israel. The Sephardim were expelled from Spain during the Inquisition and returned to the Middle East living for centuries in Palestine, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen and elsewhere. In 1948 with the founding of the State of Israel, they were attacked and forced to leave, losing all their property and belongings. There were nearly as many Jews displaced from their homes in 1948 as there were Palestinians, but no one wants to talk about or remember that. There were also Jewish communities in what is now the West Bank who were killed or forced to flee in 1948. The point is not who has or doesn’t have a tie to the land. At this time, Jews and Palestinians both have claims and the only practical solution is two states, as the United Nations proposed in 1948 and the Arabs rejected. One can argue about the borders but it can be done. Notwithstanding some ministers in the current Israeli government and the settlers who do not represent the mainstream of Israelis, most Israelis support this solution. Eventually Jews and Arabs will learn to live with each other in peace when all realize it is in their economic self-interest.
Deckbose, I have appreciated your posts in the past, but this is unadulterated bullshit. The Likudnik apologists are selling a brutal suppression of an oppressed people as is if Israel was delivering Red Cross meals, and as if Hamas really posed some deep existential threat to Israel. It’s all bullshit. You know what the deep existential threat to Israel is? It’s the internal corrosion that comes from convincing itself that its cruelty and oppression and land theft is justified by international law, self-defense, or God. If you love Israel, then you shouldn’t participate in the selling this Likudnik whipped up charade.