Discussion: Iraq War Supporters Run For The Hills

Lindsey Graham: The Iraq War Was Not A Mistake

I must say, since tpm forgot to turn on the comments, This gives Miss Lindsey a whole new meaning.

Yes, Bush and Cheney belong in jail, but we all know that will never happen.

But what is more troubling to me is that while I and millions of others world-wide were on the streets protesting both the Afghan and Iraq invasions, there was virtually no coverage of this in the press and the typical American labeled us as traitors, hippies, clueless and worse. We were shunted off into “free speech zones” where there was further taunting from our fellow Americans, many telling us to “leave” if we didn’t like Bush’s policies. Please recall that at their onsets, these wars were popular with a country that seems not to mind invading other countries.

Since WWII, we have attacked by bombing, sabotage, invasion or attempted government overthrow fifty-one other countries, ranging from Indonesia to Peru to Somalia. From the end fo the 19th century through WWII, we invaded scores of countries, primarily in Latin America and the Caribbean. All of this was done to “protect our interests.”

I do take a small amount of grim satisfaction knowing that I was “right” about the illegality and foolishness of the Afghan/Iraq debacles, but until both the press and public recognize and reject future illegal invasions, I am sure I’ll continue to protest, write letters, and call my representatives and have it all be for naught once again while watching, years later, people realize they were complicit in thousands of deaths, created millions of refugees and wasted trillions of dollars.


Yep------Saddam was keeping Iran on a short leash.


We’ve all seen this one, from Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century

Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is
likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a
new Pearl Harbor.

Sort of sends your mind off in a lot of unfortunate directions, doesn’t it?

Of course. Because Perle, Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Max Boot had been selling Bush I and Clinton (unsuccessfully) on:

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Answer the following series of questions:

-Should we have supported the Allies in WWII?
-Should we have fought against Communist forces in Vietman?
-Should we have supported UN troops in Bosnia?
-Should we have invaded Iraq?

I think it shows that it is possible to answer this type of question with an unequivocal “YES” and an unequivocal “NO” and that the question itself is not a trap.

Never Forget

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well you dont expect them to blame themselves for the major clusterphuck the invasion of Iraq was do ya …that would mean taking responsibility for there actions and they cant have that now can they

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No. I’ve heard hundreds of people reference Pearl Harbor as a huge event that changed history. Does not mean they did 9/11 And that sentence was cropped by conspiracy nuts. The beginning of that Chapter says:
“To preserve American military preeminence in the coming decades, the Department of Defense must move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts, and seek to exploit the emerging revolution in military affairs. Information technologies,in particular, are becoming more prevalent and significant components of modern military systems. These information technologies are having the same kind of transforming effects on military affairs as they are having in the larger world. The effects of this military transformation will have profound implications for how wars are fought, what kinds of weapons will dominate the battlefield and, inevitably, which nations enjoy military preeminence”.

Also in that Chapter:
“Absent a rigorous program of experimentation to investigate the nature of the revolution in military affairs as it applies to war at sea, the Navy might face a future Pearl Harbor – as unprepared for war in the post-carrier era as it was unprepared for war at the dawn of the carrier age”.

So they were referencing information technologies and defense budgets being increased accordingly.

Serious question now: Do you think the PNAC would put something out in the PUBLIC domain about how they wanted to do an attack on America as the new Pearl Harbor? Wouldn’t you want that to be a secret?

What the PNAC did was EXPLOIT 9/11. Aside from the fact that 9/11 conspiracy nut shit defies physics, science and logic, do you really think they would have done 9/11 and then forgot to put at least ONE Iraqi hijacker on the planes? Instead, Bush the next day had to try to sell the idea Iraq was involved to Richard Clarke? So they did this big elaborate plan, but the next day said “oh man, we forgot to put an Iraqi connection in, damn!!”.

Also, these people could pull off 9/11, which would involve thousands according to the nuts (and NO ONE has talked), but they could not do a SIMPLE thing like plant WMD in Iraq, which would have been easy? Just put some stuff in a truck, stick it in a warehouse, then have troops stumble on it. Hell, they could not even forge the yellowcake documents right, they had numerous mistakes on them. Clear forgeries. Yes, they could not even forge a document.

The PNAC’s expertise is propaganda and smear. When it comes to actual logistics, they are an inept bunch of fools who could not blow up a dog house if they tried. That’s why George HW Bush called them “the crazies”.

So no, that quote does not make my mind go into crazy land, not at all.

Good analysis. So firmly inside their bubble, the GOP didn’t see this coming? My God, these people are suppose to be professionals? That is what is surprising, not that the American public would reject Bush, but that ANYONE would think they wouldn’t. Republicans are no longer competitive on the national stage. They are a regional party of grifters.

The Clinton plan in the 90’s was to fund a coup and take Saddam out, but keep the Sunni in power. That would have kept the region stable but also got rid of Saddam. Even a lot of Sunni hated Saddam and his kids, but that does not mean they wanted Islamist extremists running the place. Instead, we got the biggest blunder in history.

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This has been the shift in narrative for a while. “The war was justified and was going fine until Obama screwed it up.”

Which is really no surprise. Not just in a political sense of blaming it on the other party, but when you consider their attitude towards Vietnam - while the articles refer to a Democratic reckoning with Vietnam, Republicans (or rather, conservatives) have never had theirs. Many of them still believe that the lesson of Vietnam is, as Bush put it, “we’ll win unless we quit”. In other words, American power is so overwhelming that we will always prevail unless we give up too soon; being tied down in counterinsurgency in a completely alien country where were not wanted is just a minor detail. That’s the real reason they genuinely believe things were on the right track until Obama took over with his “defeatist attitude”.

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It’s not the big bad media that stirred up the Iraq hornets’ nest for Republicans. It is the GOP propaganda arm Fox News, right at the opening of the GOP’s quadrennial “Fox Primary”!

So what’s the play? What is Fox up to?

Is the rational inference that they want to eliminate Bush and any other candidate who will stand in the way of what they see as a winning message “We aren’t offering Clinton, Bush, Obama, we are the party for the future”?

Or perhaps they just want to exhaust the public’s interest in the subject so that they’re candidate can answer Iraq-based critique of their War Party’s ME policies with “Let’s move on. We’ve already debated this ad nauseum”?


“Lying” being the operative word here.

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Egypt is the prize???

Hulegu Khan called from 1220, he wants his war plans back…

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When you’ve screwed up so badly that the next president gets the Nobel Peace Prize basically for not being you–yeah, history has pretty much weighed in.


Yes, I do believe the cherry picked stuff revealed was probably the best, or most compelling, stuff. But they did play the “oh, this is just the tip of the iceberg…we have much worse” card quite often. So when each of those cherry picked items were debunked (AFTER it was already released and the damage was done…see the SOTU speech in particular), they just fell back to “well, the rest of the iceberg is much worse, believe us”. And the press and the public did.

Which is mind boggling, I agree…but there you have it. When caught telling a lie, they were given full credibility when then saying “Trust Me”. I mean, look at the Powell presentation to the UN. Freaking drawings of made up mobile biological labs?? And, keep it in context, this was right after the SOTU speech and the press was already pointing out that Bush lied about the yellow cake and tubes. But, sure enough…Powell got up their with make believe drawings and said “rest of the iceberg is worse, but I cant show you” and it was accepted as gospel by and large by the media.


.[quote=“acme, post:41, topic:20497”]
“A nation that doesn’t remember history is doomed to repeat it.”

That’s why the right has been systematically cutting education for 40 years…

Well, just remember, he wasn’t invited to the 2012 convention. That speaks volumes.

But they have to at least try to rehabilitate his image (remember the billboards, Miss me yet?), because with Poppy getting so long in the tooth, W. may very well be the only living President they have for a long time. So they can’t have him stay a pariah in their own party forever.

The Iraq War has finally become the rotting carcass of an albatross that is hung around the GOP’s collective heads. It doesn’t matter whether or not they voted for the war, or whether they were senators or congresscritters at the time. The very basic fact is that no matter how hard they try to pin this on Obama or Hillary, it was THEIR war. No matter how hard they try to spin the lie that the intelligence was faulty, it was THEIR decision to invade despite ALL the evidence and intelligence stating otherwise.

The Iraq War was sold on a lie. And that lie has finally reached the upper echelons of the GOP. And EVERY SINGLE person who opposed the war, who was branded as a TRAITOR, who KNEW that Bush and Cheney were lying through their bloody teeth, WE ALL knew it was a lie, and WE are vindicated.

This war is now a concrete block that is tied to the ENTIRE Republican party. Their arrogance, their hubris, their sneering pundits on Fox News, CNN, and every other mainstream media outlet are now the petard on which they are being hoisted. They can try to run away, they can try to shift the blame, they can try to revise history, but they CANNOT and WILL NOT escape the fact that it was THEIR war and THEIR massive clusterfuck that has turned the Middle East into a raging conflagration. They didn’t just burn the house down, they blew up the entire fucking neighborhood and danced on the graves of the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis. Dead at THEIR hands. The GOP. THEY did this and they cannot escape that very fact.

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