Discussion: Iraq War Supporters Run For The Hills

Let the GOP self-fraggings continue!

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You might want to go back and look up a New Yorker article titled: “The Real Heroes are Dead.” http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2002/02/11/the-real-heroes-are-dead

Yeah, but it’s just a matter of time before Cheney shoots his mouth off.

Thankfully it’ll just be his own mouth…

Oh, I don’t think that was lack of awareness. Rubio has been spinning hard from the get-go to present himself as the neocon candidate of choice. Using the phrase “New American Century” was clearly part of that strategy.

Anybody who supports this fiasco is basically saying:

“Of COURSE I supported it…I didn’t have to go.”

NeoCONS lied and people died…they talked about throwing money at the situation…TO HELL with the money, how about the LIVES LOST, HOW THE ‘F’ can they just IGNORF the most important LOSS of all, THE LOST LIVES…

The Iraq War was no innocent mistake or a venture gone awry because of intelligence that turned out to be incorrect; it was a war the Bush administration wanted and they cherry picked information and, when necessary, boldfaced lied us into it. Period!


It’s really not. Because we the people do not have access to all the intelligence, so asking any candidate that question is an open door invitation to make up whatever he wants.

Which has always been part of the problem. When the few cherry picked pieces were laid out before the public and proven to be false, like say, in a state of the union speech, they simply fell back behind the story “oh, but if you could see all the really secret stuff we see”. You know, the really secret stuff that miraculously created an escalation in the color coded terror alerts on everyone’s TV whenever Bush took a dip in the polls.

No, the real question is buried at the very bottom of this article,

“We have somewhat similar debate going on right now with Iran…"

So, where do you, Mr. Candidate, come down on that debate, and why?

Lindsey Graham is right.

The invasion of Iraq was not a mistake.

It was a crime.

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Effen cons talk about how in hindsight maybe Iraq was sort of a bad call based on bad intel. It was in fact an epic blunder that they decided to perpetrate well before they conjured up the bad intelligence.

Remember when they FOUND the WMD’s back in 2006? Remember that? Then the ‘Hearings’ came along and the GOP congressmen were so red-faced with rage they looked a like a row of angry little tomatoes.

If he had merely bothered to read the 11th Amendment of the Constitution, he wouldn’t have caved.

“The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.”

Which means, that if a person from one state, say Texas, sues another state, say Florida…the highest he can go is Florida’s Supreme Court. The federal judiciary, and most certainly not the SCOTUS, can never hear the issue. It is explicitly out side of their jurisdiction.

George W. was suing the state of Florida. His lawsuit ended with the Florida Supreme Court. For Scalia and his gang to grant cert and hear that case in stunning time was not only unprecedented…it was unconstitutional.


Saw that both LindseyPoo’ Graham and Piyush Jindal are still pushing the pitiable and laughable “The Iraq invasion WAS the right thing to do.” bullsh*t wagon.

Sorry boys, that monumental lie is never going to work again and you never-will-be POTUS-wannabes’ need to give THAT chicken a rest:


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no… it really is… the question is positing that they were the in the Oval Office and had the intelligence… its not asking you and I… the question is what sort of decision would you have made as President…

“'I should have said in '03, ‘No, I don’t want us to go to war under Barack Obama,” Woolsey said.

Woosh. If begging the question means assuming a conclusion, this is it.

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But don’t you think that the cherry picked intelligence, real or made up, was the best that they had to offer? Even if they’re saying there is super secret stuff they can’t show you that is even worse because it would compromise sources and methods even though what they revealed did anyway? Never misunderestimate the stupidity of the American public.

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And I do keep coming back to the fact that the candidate in 2000 who was surrounded by PNAC advisors spent his whole campaign calling for a military buildup with an urgency and stridancy that seemed bafflingly at odds with any conceivable threat we then faced. The portentous quotation of Reagan’s “hang on, help is on the way” to a military whose leaders who were neither publicly nor privately agitating for a massive reversal of the force reductions overseen by none other than Dick Cheney himself struck me as weird at the time.

But, like everyone else, I assumed it was just more base-rousing puffgutting directed to right-wingers who believed with all their hearts, based solely on a handful of wingnut welfare Regnary screeds, that Bill Clinton was loathed and reviled by the military. I never thought to wonder just why the hell it was GWB thought we needed to reconstitute the kind of military we developed to confront the USSR given that the real threats we faced were more likely to need cruise missiles and special forces. I just assumed it was because he was dumb. It never occurred to me he it was because he and all of his foreign policy advisors were hellbent on invading Iraq for no reason other than to show the world how big America’s dick is.

The sign behind his head spells ISIS with a few other letters added to obscure what would be the enduring legacy of this invasion and war of choice…

I can’t quite remember, but wasn’t Josh Marshall an early supporter of our ME invasions?

This welcome turn of events is pissing all over the GOP efforts to rehabilitate dubya. I ended up on the RNC mailing list, probably by responding to some post on a wingnut blog. Starting about 10 months ago I started getting emails to buy GWB sox, caps tees etc to honor this fine chief executive. Why these morons thought bringing up his administration was a good idea is beyond me. Recent events should make clear the widespread perception of this disastrous presidency.

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