Discussion: Iraq War Supporters Run For The Hills

Discussion for article #236476

Can’t imagine why since we were greeted as liberators, it was a cake-walk, and there were WMDs lying around everywhere.

In bizarro world.


This has been the shift in narrative for a while. “The war was justified and was going fine until Obama screwed it up.”

Now it’s going to be, “We probably shouldn’t have done it, but it was going fine until Obama screwed it up.”

Everyone needs to remember the stated reason for going to war in Iraq. It was in the Project for a New American Century’s literature. They wanted to “establish a presence” in the Middle East, "probably in Iraq’. Who is PNAC? Every high powered Republican. The Bush family. Cheney. Rumsfeld. The whole gang.

One note if you start researching PNAC. You’ll come across 9/11 conspiracy nutjobs. Don’t let them distract you. There is a group within the Republican Party that seems to have risen to the top. And they still believe in manifest destiny and bombing people into Democracy. That’s the point. No more Bush’s.


I have to laugh when the neo-cons say “let history be the judge." History has already judged The Iraq War as the worst foreign policy disaster this county has ever been involved in. I think that is very clear.


“Reconstruction, redevelopment, and lengthy occupation both in Afghanistan and Iraq were mistakes. We have little to show for our efforts in either. The Washington model of throwing money at problems doesn’t work in the Middle East.”

The statement should be revised to say the Republican model of throwing money at rich people, contractors and other cronies doesn’t work anywhere.


the problem with using the rationalization of we had to make the decision with the information we had is that the information was cherry picked, or manufactured ie yellowcake, to support a predetermined conclusion…

the decision to attack Saddam was clearly made and the ‘what we knew then’ arguments were provided to allow that decision to be justified…

one thing that should be pointed out to these dimwits, and everyone else, is that the way the question is framed is that it assumes that based on the intelligence provided by the Bush/Cheney administration that that was ALL the intelligence…

the question should REALLY be that if you had FULL access to ALL the intelligence would you have made that decision…


Woolsey: We shouldn’t have invaded Iraq because Obama.

Seriously? This guy was head of the CIA? Confused Idiots Agency


“Our collective intellectual efforts would be much better employed trying to understand how to manage the wars and threats we face now — none of which are going well — than continuing to rehash an argument we’ve been having for more than a decade,”

He then went on to say how Clinton was unfit for the Presidency due to the Benghazi disaster…


I think it’s safe to say our history books aren’t going to treat the architects and the peddlers of the Iraq War very kindly. Let them twist and turn and spin away all they want. They’ll be rotting in hell soon enough.


I do believe most people on here have known who the PNAC is since about 2002, and many knew of them when they used to write letters to President Clinton in the 90’s requesting Iraq be “addressed”…

And yes, the “nuts” twist it into the inept PNAC actually doing 9/11, and that ruins it for the sane people.


By saying that he was admitting knew the war would last at least 7 years. I don’t recall that being part of the “marketing strategy”. Of course it actually was not, papers from Rummy indicated he thought we would be down to about 6,000 troops in 2006, and basically sweeping the Middle East. They thought it was a like a video game. No concept of logistics and the real world.


The ‘narrative’? It’s very simple. Republicans were catastrophically outmaneuvered by Islamist radicals and are not to be trusted with national security.

  1. Bush and co let 9/11 happen (yes, it’s time to go there).
  2. Consequently they got suckered into a war of retaliation.
  3. Consequently they destabilized the Middle East.
  4. Consequently Al Qaeda, Isis flourished.

Iraq is the burning tire worn on the necks of Republicans.

ps,The world is NOT a better place without Saddam Hussein running Iraq.


They are not thugs, they are chicken hawks. The bikers in TX are thugs, as are the mob, gangs, etc. But people in suits who hide behind desks when they send others to war are chicken hawks.


WAR CRIMUNALS ALL WHY ARN"T THEY IN JAIL???Cheney is the worst of them he can’t leave he country for fear of being arrested


The Usual Gang Of Idiots still want us to go to war with Iran and Syria. And of course those Chickenhawk Keyboard Komandos are too chicken to go into the Armed Forces and they sure don’t want their families or friends involved, either.

Tell you what, the next time these punks push us into war, institute a mandatory draft of everyone who demands war. And ALL of their family members. And put ALL of them on the front lines. Then we’ll see what chickens they really are!


Supporters of the Iraq War will never admit that the intel they justify as an excuse for this colossal blunder was all cherry picked to fit the Cheney narrative of why going to war was necessary in the first place. Just once I wish any bobbled head tv pundit would throw that into the conversation. It totally changes the whole mess into an even greater mistake.


Typo obviously, but please correct so you don’t give them any ideas…


Won’t happen. They’ll all do the Tweety Matthews thing, drool all over the sock in Dumbya’s jockstrap during the “Mission Accomplished” farce. Then they will openly lie about how they opposed the war!


Tellingly, Rubio — who counts Abrams and former Dick Cheney aide Eric Edelman among his advisors — has flipped again on the issue, arguing Sunday to Fox News’ Chris Wallace that “the world is a better place because Saddam Hussein doesn’t run Iraq.”

I could make a very strong argument that the world would have been a much better place if W hadn’t been President. Does that mean it would have been fine for a foreign country to invade U.S. soil and overthrow the government, killing thousands of innocent civilians along the way?
BTW, the neocons’ complete absence of remorse for all the innocent lives lost in this debacle is very, very telling.

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