Discussion: Iowa GOPer: Execute Those Who Commit Felony And Repeatedly Enter US Illegally

At this rate it won’t be long before some GOPig pol proposes tattooing ID numbers on the forearms of each undocumented person and thereby making it easier to find and track them. And their low/no info “base” will cheer wildly with absolutely no knowledge of the historical reference of such a proposal.



Yeah, my thoughts too…what a wussy RINO, waiting until the second time.

I bet he’s very “pro-life”.


That is so 1940s. The wave of the future is implanted microchips.

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Kill more people! More sound reasoning from the “pro-life” crowd…


All this bothers us. It does little to the 60% of the electorate which is too bored to vote.

And I don’t see Millennials acting as up-tight as people did in the 1960s with the Military Draft breathing down their necks.

For example, Donald Trump is now saying provocative things–especially in the context of world events. Usually these things are conflated with Military Action. Because there is no draft, why would a 19-26 year old give a damn about any GOPer saying anything?

This is a new era, unknown to U.S. history. All the cyclical models are out, probably due to the extreme amount of Age-related segregation of generational cohorts, exacerbated by a Cultural Lag on steroids due to a cyber-revolution. At the same time, because these new people are Disenaged politically (the 2014 Congressional elections had a 36% participation rate), the Political narrative is Defaulted to those who are more apt to participate (the Old, the rural, the Reactionary).

Simply put, the country is being pulled in two directions BOTH OF WHICH BENEFIT THE 0.001%.


Iowa GOP Spokesman Charlie Szold:

These remarks do not represent the values and beliefs of Iowa Republicans. Period.

Did you run a poll on that? Because I’ll bet those remarks do represent the values and beliefs of a majority, or at least a plurality, of registered Iowa Republicans.

Sounds like a job for PPP or Ann Selzer.

Yeah, it’s not a good day for Chickenman.

I knew Mark back when he was still riding the Des Moines Register’s Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI). He’d wear this chicken outfit with a kilt, get drunk, and jump off of buildings. He was originally from out of state but moved to Iowa to found his Frog Legs suspension wheelchair caster business. For whatever reason, he decided to run for State Senate as a tea party candidate, and in spite of his fame(?) he got elected. I just found out about his later career when I was wondering what happened to him about this time last year and did a Google search.


This guy should be executed for that mustache

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We could have camps. Call them feedlots.

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But if we execute them, and they happen to be men, we’ll also be executing their potential children, so that would be abortion.


“An Empty Barrel makes the most noise”

Yes…BUT…remember we’re dealing with the regressive GOPig Cult here. The 1940’s IS ‘modern’ and ‘the future’ to the denizens of Baggerland, Dumbfu*kistan.

Sounds like he once was a sane person ? Is he just trolling, then, getting elected by spewing BS ?

I haven’t seen him for a decade now, so I can’t offer any insight into what he’s thinking now. He’s always been a smart person who does stupid and careless things, and he has generally been allowed to get away with doing stupid and careless things.

They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

How can any sane human being say such terrible things? And have their political party’s backing?

It’s like anything goes with this crowd. Why is anyone lettings these crazy clowns hijack human decency?

He doesn’t have the backing of the Republican Party. They shudder at the prospect of him being the nominee. He has the backing of millions of U.S. citizens. People you live and work with, your child’s teacher, your dentist, your department manager, the guy installing the new roof on your home, a fireman or policeman in your neighborhood. Trump isn’t the problem, it’s everyone else in your life.

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Oh please, you think this racist clown doesn’t have the backing of the gop/bags? Think again.

What they say to cover their tracks when one of them goes over the line, and what the do when the guy wins the nomination, are two separate things. They don’t care how, just as long as they win!!

Sorry GOP but your front-runner for President is advocating very similar policies. You own these lunatics.

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This gent is apparently unaware that there are a large-ish number of actions that are misdemeanors, if committed by a citizen, but that count as aggravated felonies for immigration purposes. People get deported for trivial stuff even without the abomination that is “Secure Communities.” What this guy is proposing would amount to executing serial jaywalkers. Let him meet the same standard of behavior himself, with the same rights to counsel, due process, representation, etc. that are accorded to the undocumented population.

I propose that the first charge be: Posing as a legislator while criminally ignorant of the law.