Discussion for article #226757
Terminal stupidity seems to be a requirement for GOP committee members.
they could be coming from other countries and be highly trained as warriors who will meet up with their group here and actually rise up against us as Americans.
It’s as though Republicans are unable to see black and brown children as children just like their own kids. Nope, our kids are either thugs, monsters, or now mini-warriors. Seriously, lady, go fuck yourself.*
*Ironically, I tend to think that’s a big part of Republicans’ problem.
The fall of America at the hands of 8 to 12 year old Hezbollah fighters with calves the size of cantaloupes, and a ruck sack full of pot to carry out their reefer madness attacks on the soft Christian underbelly of this great nation!
Maybe even homeschoolers?
I think they could be actually highly train spies from the United Kingdom sent here to retake it for the crown.
The bi-annual ramp-up to Fear Week, followed by Hate Week and then the great feargasmic release of Election Day continues apace.
I love horror movies and a good scary video game as much as the next guy, but the way Republicans seem to spend every waking hour looking for imaginary things to be scared of baffles me.
GOP on immigration… Fear! Hate!
GOP on health care… Fear! Hate!
GOP on economy… Fear! Hate!
GOP on everything… Fear! Hate!
What in the real frack is she talking about?
Wow. Just wow. The level of ignorance and intolerance reached by some of the GOP folks is beyond the pale at times.
What’s amazing to me is that anyone actually buys into this steaming pile of crapola.
Absolutely agree with you. And the GOP wonders why minorities refuse to vote for them. They just do not get it.
Well, if we catch any of these little turrerist warriors I say it’s off to prison without supper!
That’ll learn 'em!
That wasn’t just a Freudian slip, that was a Freudian slip with matching Freudian bustier and Freudian garter belt.
My mind was blown when I read that.
It makes me wonder this lady or GOPer in Iowa has ever seen a minority. You know a brown person.
TheSE CHILdren SHowINg uP on Our BOrders, CaLVEs as BIG as MELOns, are HIGHly TRAINed EbOLA JIHAdis, SET to LITERALLY GNAW ON AmerICAs faBRIC untIL AMERica BecOMEs a COUntrY I doN’T recOGNIZe aNYMOre. Any WOnder WHY our ISLAMO-FascSIT SHARia-LOVING PResident BENt ON tURNING AmericA intO a UTOpiarY fraught wiTH SocialisTICS IS LettING theSE KIDs IN? STOP NOBAMA FROM LITeralLY gnawING on America’s FABRIC BY lettiNG LARGE-calved JIHADIs iNTO THe BEst COUntrY in AMerica!!!11!!!one!!!1!1!1!!!
Have you been ghost-writing for Republican Committee Members, Eustace?
NO I am JUSt Here TO SPEAk UP for THE CEnter RIGHt majORIty of AmerICA agAInst the LAmestreaM LIBrul MEdia LIARs aT TPm.
Be afraid! Be VERY afraid!