I’m certain they can be.
I wish these assholes would stop threatening impeachment and just do it. And maybe get hold of a dictionary to look up what “dictator” actually means.
Great idea. Impeachment and Cruz is going to shut the government down at the same time. Sounds like a winning strategy to me. For Democrats!
Are we reaching the point where any Democratic president will face impeachment proceedings if Republicans control the House? If that is so it does not bode well for Americans since democracies depend on the losers accepting the will of the electorate.
One week Obama is an inept weakling, and the next week he’s a dictatorial tyrant. You could sustain a severe spinal injury from the whiplash of trying to follow the GOP’s talking points.
But, but…how can he be impeached if he is an illegitimately elected Kenyan, Mooslim furriner?
Can you impeach a President who is not really the President? Tell us , Joni.
What is this lunatic obsession with czars that they have?
Just give 'em time.
When you put it that way, dictatorship sounds positively heavenly.
I love it. While the "conservative" blogs has tried to tap down these screams - these folks seem not to be listening to anyone but those crazy voices in their heads.
"Please proceed"! :-)
Article II, Section 4: “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
If Ernst thinks that Obama’s actions qualify as “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” it begs the questions which civil officers shouldn’t be impeached. Seriously. I would love to see a journalist ask Ernst and Republicans the following questions:
-Based on your standards for impeachment, what other recent Presidents should have faced impeachment?
-Specifically what does our Constitution say about impeachment?
Well, we’ve had two Democratic presidents since '92. One was impeached, one is threatened. So yeah, this is not healthy for the republic.
Bring it on, Joni!
Obama’s numbers will go up.
Really. I thought the “czars” thing had gone out of fashion.
Sen. Joni Ernst, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Iowa, said that President Barack Obama had “become a dictator”
Well if that were the case you would have been up against the wall and shot already. So your fever-dream paranoid faux-victimhood delusion doesn’t seem to hold up when it comes into contact with reality, ya dipshit.
And what kind of candidates’ forum is this? That was an insanely leading and tendentious question. “As some think approaches dictatorship”? “This blatant misuse of power”? Please.
Joni, you should really avoid discussing Constitutional issues and stick to your area of expertise (porcine testicles).
Oh for fucks sake.
If Barack Obama is a dictator, why hasn’t he suspended the Constitution and cancelled the government? Why hasn’t he done that and used the military to stop anyone who opposes him, because that is exactly how Hitler and the Nazis came to power, by killing the democracy. This fruit loop demonstrates that the right knows NOTHING about actual dictators or what life is under actual dictatorships.
unhinged would be too kind a word to describe these people. . .
And as for this crazy-lady’s “czar” obsession… once again her beliefs don’t do so well when they come into contact with reality:
“ ‘Czar’ is media lingo, not an official title. But our research shows that George Bush’s administration had more “czars” than the Obama administration.”