Discussion: Iowa GOP Senate Candidate: Obama 'Impeachment' Should Be An Option (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #224814

“But then again I’m an idiot with Laura Bush’s dead eyes”

I assume that she’s losing which is why she’s getting crazier as November nears?


TPM: “I do think that yes, he should face those repercussions, and whether that’s removal from office, whether that’s impeachment,” Ernst said.

As a Democrat, all I can say it: GO FOR IT, REPUBLICANS! Let’s see how that works out for you over the next two election cycles.

I can’t imagine anything that could help us more than this kind of GOP overreach.


Somewhere a Democratic strategist in Iowa is smiling…


Yeah, the dead cat bounce she got from the primary is done and she is right back at 3-5% under, where republicans have always been in the polls there.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it opened up a bit. It definitely will after this comment gets air time.


This woman is trying very hard to be the next Michele Bachmann.

She may actually be even stupider, even though that concept beggars the imagination.


Thus spake Joni, defiler of hogs, the sorrow of Sioux City, and stultifyer of millions.


wack job !


If he were a dictator, then no, impeachment wouldn’t be an option.

God, could they be any more stupid?


If he’s really a dictator your best bet is to coordinate the generals to overthrow him. I doubt “impeachment” will really bother him much.


Palin-esque word-salad. But please, you psychotic pandering grifters–please impeach him. And hand us the House in 2014 and the White House in 2016.


I don’t think that she’s trying very hard at all; the woman is a “natural.” Or, to paraphrase the immortal Rufus T. Firefly, “She may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot, but don’t let that fool you. She really is an idiot.”


If Obama was a dictator, you and the rest of the tea partiers would be in jail (or worse). You are not in jail, therefore Obama is not a dictator.



I like the comments on this thread.

Does everybody now understand why Nancy Pelosi said that impeachment was off the table in 2006?

Get it yet?

Or are we still at the “It’s different cuz I’m right” stage of our understanding of electoral politics?


“…he’s appointing czars…”

Ernst is running for the Senate. As a Senator, what sort of legislative action would she propose to prevent the appointment of “czars”?

Sounds like a pretty serious problem! I’m sure the general election voters in Iowa have “appointment of czars” high on their list of important issues, right above corn subsidies, healthcare and education.


Also on the (uncensored) tape:
‘And where in the Constitution does it say that the President can be a nig- … uh, I mean colored? So that’s another high crime and misdemeanor! And Sarah Palin has called for his impeachment! And Benghaziiiiii!!! And IRS! And using ACORN to steal the 2012 election! And Benghaziiiii!!! And why didn’t he stop Hurricane Sandy? IMPEACH, I tells ya! Oh yeah, and BENGHAZIIIIIIIII!!!’


It’s the birther bullshit all over again.
Get your base all riled up with talks of impeachment. They did it before; allowing the right wingers to believe there is some basis to their claims. Then soon the stunt fizzles and they move on to the next nonsense. All the while, the leaders are encouraging this talk and not being straight with these people like they should. You even have the Speaker of the House claiming to sue when I’m certain even he knows they got shit. All to appease the crazy base.

Say what you will about Pelosi; she told us straight up before becoming Speaker that impeachment was off the table. That way those that came in to vote knew beforehand and did not get their hopes up on something the Democrats were not going to do. You can disagree with that choice, of course, but the fact is they did not get people riled up thinking they would impeach knowing they would not.

The GOP has NO adults in their party. Unfortunately, since the US would be a lot further in coming out of the wreck Bush caused if they would stop being childish and petty and work to get things done.


Hard to stomach that this twit is trying to fill the seat of such a great Senator as Harkin. WOW. What a dipshit. She wouldn’t know the constitution if it bit her in the ass. Stick to shoveling pigshit and leave the legislating to someone more competent. Not sure how she thinks she can win over the entire state of Iowa with that level of shear partisanship. She really is an airhead.


More crazy talk to inflame the base voters, but it won’t do anything to bring in new voters. The slow death of the GOP in action.


Since there is a very real chance of articles of impeachment passing the House, every Republican candidate for Senate needs to be put on record on this question.