Discussion: Iowa Democratic Party Will Not Conduct Caucus Recount

Discussion for article #245453

“and welcome to the new (and hopefully short term) meme”


You cannot recount a caucus. The next step is the state convention.


At least Weaver managed to avoid whining about how the Iowa Caucuses and Democracy in general are just part of ‘The Establishment.’


“As an empirical matter, we’re not likely to ever know what the actual result was,” Weaver told the Post.

A somewhat similar refrain deprives Al Gore an occasional night of sleep.

I’m beginning to get a distinct impression that the Sanders campaign has the capacity to be sore winners also.


Wall Street doesn’t want a caucus recount because Wall Street is in the bag for Hillary.


You think Wall Street is behind this? I think it’s obviously Cecile Richards and the Establishment Planned Parenthood thugs.



If this were happening in Latin or Central America, or Africa, they’d be outraged and feeling smugly superior.

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wouldn’t really matter all that much, unless it was winner-take-all.


And also big gun-control and big early childhood education.


Why am I not surprised? On his way out of Iowa, Sanders was informed that the Iowa Democratic Party had not staffed 90 precincts to oversee the vote counting, and only Hillary had people in those precincts. Sanders felt that the supposed neutrality of the Iowa Democratic Party observers would insure a fair count. Welcome to the world of questionable politics, Mr. Sanders, and the Democratic National Party/Clinton Machine.

Add to that the fact that the Iowa Caucus calls for the flip of a coin in precincts where there is a tie (actually 2 flips which is irrelevant in any probability study), instead of an even split of the delegates and you get a skewed outcome. Sanders is probably right not to demand a recount, but he has learned a very valuable lesson from Iowa - if you are going to beat a machine, you need to have the voter turnout to swamp them decisively.

The minute that Clinton’s campaign declared victory before anyone declared her so, you had to realize the fix was in and it was a disgrace how she acted when she won - avoiding the rope line of supporters, jumping on the victory speech of her opponent to declare her own win in so many words taken straight out of the Sanders campaign which you never do in politics even if it is the other party, and then quitting the state as quickly as possible. The state Democratic Party has declared her a winner under very strange circumstances, and I wonder if they are so sure, why they would not order a recount themselves.

I would like Bernie Sanders to win the nomination, but I want him to win fairly. If Hillary wins, I will always have doubts about this caucus and how legitimate her win was. I think the part of Sanders speech last night that resonated the most with me was when he said we do not need a few wealthy people determining how we govern ourselves. For Hillary, it is those few wealthy people who will help her win.

Hopefully, as he moves forward he will have such a more comprehensive operation in place, and his supporters will work more diligently to get out his message and the vote. If he does not, and the machine carries the day, we will find ourselves having to once again hold our noses and vote for Hillary and Bill, our own Peron couple, and the same bunch of corporate Democrats that gave away Congress to the GOP in 2010. Let us all hope that this does not happen.


That is my feeling too. It would certainly help the optics of the Sanders campaign to be declared the winner, but probably only marginally so, especially since Sanders is probably about to put up big numbers in NH. But it hurts the optics to ask for a recount and at the end of the day, it won’t change the delegate count, so it is in the Sander’s camp’s best interest not to ask for a recount.


How the fuck do they come up with fractional delegate equivalents?

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Let’s move on. Period.


The same way you can make monkey goats and frog head babies with corn arms. Welcome to the modern world.


via @kasie, Sanders campaign says IDP didn't staff 90 precincts, being asked to help recreate the count. Checking on this....

— Iowa Starting Line (@IAStartingLine) February 2, 2016

Where did this help "recreate" precinct results start from again?

— Iowa Starting Line (@IAStartingLine) February 2, 2016

It’s a mystery.


Couple of things.

  1. My understanding is the 90 precincts thing was misreporting by reporters. The Sanders campaign pushed back later stating it was a non-issue. Don’t know if it popped up again later.

  2. The coin flips were not for delegate equivalents and did not skew the outcome. They were for county caucus deciders. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/coin-toss-broke-6-clinton-sanders-deadlocks-in-iowa-and-hillary-won-each-time-2016-02-02

  3. The Clinton campaign did not officially declare victory last night. Early on, a couple of high-level staffers told reporters they were planning on declaring victory but Hillary certainly did not declare victory in her speech and waited until this morning to make the announcement.

I lean towards Sanders but there is no evidence of any shady goings on in Iowa.


Leaving aside the shenanigans of Cleetus and “Pink Eye” Bob in the pig barn you’re likely correct.


I have it on, let’s just say, very good authority that Cecile Richards personally oversaw the abortions of thousands and thousands of potential Sanders voters 18 years ago.