Discussion: Iowa Democratic Party Will Not Conduct Caucus Recount

Nice. Very respectful and indicative of an inclusive movement that’s certain to be viable in November.

Is the Sanders campaign still pursuing their lawsuit against the DNC over the data they claim the DNC should have kept them from “borrowing”?


Have you ever attended an Iowa Caucus? I was a caucus chair in '04, '08 and '12. It’s the local county party that handles the registration, and then the local captains for each campaign coordinate the count and jointly report the results to the central IDP. It is entirely transparent to all campaigns.

If Bernie didn’t have a captain in those 90 precincts you mention - and reference to that info, please - then he didn’t have any supporters there either. No supporters equal no votes and, ergo, no delegates.

For the record, I am NOT an auto-Hillary supporter. I thought that Bernie had a real chance to win last night. He fell just short.

(Please read this, @bwakfat and @KatWillow )


1400 delegates to a state convention, almost evenly split between Bernie and Hillary. I bet Hillary starts poaching them before that.

The delegates go to a county caucus, then a district level, and finally in June the state convention. By that time they’ve been winnowed down quite a bit. Although 1400 precinct-level politicos duking it out would be quite a sight.

NB, on the GOP side in 2012 Ron Paul used this method to go from a 3rd place finish in January to copping the majority of the selected delegates at the state convention.


Half of Iowa citizens are actually just representatives of Wall Street. Yeah, that’s the ticket!


They shouldn’t recount. Right now Hillary should be trying to figure out how to attract Bernie voters and Bernie should be trying to figure out how to attract Hillary voters. We won’t win without both groups.


That “Hillary prematurely declares victory” meme seemed to have been a creation of Andrea Mitchell. When it was pointed out that Hillary did not in fact declare victory in her speech she changed her negative attack to “Hillary and her staff made a yoooooge mistake in the way they left the building” after the speech. Mitchell was very agitated by everything Clinton that the rest of the msnbc talking heads didn’t seem concerned about.


Damn Acorn strikes again.


Cue the CT theories from certain quarters.

LOL. Well regurgitating Wolf Blitzer’s “shocking” statements/commentary from last night based on what some Sanders campaign people were claiming, while omitting the word "sufficiently” in the artful “sufficiently staffed” to the now truncated (by you?) term “not staffed” has me convinced it is all a conspiracy.

You mean when they didn’t declare victory until earlier today?

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Thank you. Well stated.


[Standard Disclaimer: This commenter wishes it to be known that in November he plans to vote for the Democratic nominee, whoever that turns out to be, and will encourage their fellow primary candidate supporters to do likewise.]

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Ghost, fix your shift key. It is not shifting. It is shiftless.

How would you count Kabuki, anyway?

The caucus showed Sanders’ strength with enthusiastic young people. Good, also not news.

I think Sanders should be able (or should have been able to, with the right choices at the right time) mobilize a young-peoples’-campaign in Northern Nevada, with volunteers from the big Northern California universities (UC Davis and Sac State are the closest to Reno, as well as a boatload of community colleges, and in winter-sports-season it is a popular weekend road trip from the Bay Area. Everybody knows somebody at UNR.

In the General Northern Nevada is strongly Republican. Las Vegas has strong organized labor, a Latina in the Assembly (who is awesome), and the Sanders campaign has worked hard there (with Clinton demonstrating the same establishment strength as we would expect, as in Iowa). But I strongly suspect that the Reno Democrats include high proportions (a) students, (b) Hispanic, and © outdoorsy young professionals. I don’t understand caucus tactics, but it seems to me that Sanders could mobilize a bunch of these and outperform in the caucuses. Win? Dunno. That’s why they have elections. And caucuses.

So unless I’m missing something here, no one is asking for a recount, and no one is going to do one.

I fail to see a problem, or a story here.

Clickbaited again!

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IDC tacitly admits that it is, after all, just Iowa. And the whole thing doesn’t amount to much unless you are a pundit. In that case it is your bread and butter.

Recounts are not possible in caucus.

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Which means this nothing of an article makes even less sense.

[But presumably they do write down the totals, which they then convert to delegates according to their formula, right.? So maybe they meant checking those records, which wouldn’t really be a “recount,” but sort of in the same spirit?]