Discussion: Insistent Carson Defends Remark That Hitler Could 'Happen Here' To Whoopi

Discussion for article #241455

Delusions 101

Today, a reading from The Book of Confirmation Bias: “Everyone really agrees with us, but they’re just not saying anything.”

Class dismissed.


"I mean if people don’t speak up for what they believe, then other people will change things without them having a voice.

Democratic voters - Dr. Ben Carson (brain surgeon) is talking to you. Get out there and vote, otherwise look at the atrocities that the GOP will bring. Shit, it’s not like they’re keeping their plans all that secret.


Huh? This guy seems to think Godwin’s Law is an argument in favor of more Hitler analogies…


So, Dr Ben, are you saying YOU want to be a totalitarian dictator? Or are you saying we have one now as some in your party have said on more than one occasion? Which is it Dr Ben> (taps fingers on desk top).


First they came for Dr. Carson’s brain and I said, that old thing, I don’t even think it works anymore. You can have it.


Dr. Carson, you have said that you purposefully invoke Hitler just to piss off a prominent segment of American voters. What will you do to unite this country in the face of extreme polarization?


When people consider this they need to think about the Nazi phenomena minus the holocaust, then you can see plainly how readily we could get there. Of course the holocaust didn’t take a huge amount of staff to pull off as of function of all German armed forces, police, and security services. It could be pulled off here without a doubt, we have an ample supply of ethically bankrupt self righteous pricks capable of murder.


Well, he’s not completely wrong re: “good Germans” not recognizing evil early/not fighting back. What he fails to recognize that Hitler 2.0 would far, far more likely be coming from his own party, with Trump being the most modern version.


When I saw Ted Cruz in action my warning lights went off, Ted is Trump lite.


Hitler could happen here, but he’d be a Republican.


It’s the Ambien™ talking. Just watch him.
Or maybe he’s an advanced animatronic robot with some basic artificial intelligence. His delivery vaguely reminds me of the HAL 9000 computer in “2001 a Space Odyssey”.


“I want people in America to stand up for what we believe in,” he continued.

Says the dingbat who is all for Voter ID and other restrictions on voting.

This man disgusts me. What a waste of a very inspiring life story.


Ben’s right. And this new would-be fascist’s name is Trump (and by extension, the rest of the GOP). The 14 defining characteristics of fascism:

  1. Appropriation of patriotic symbols and extreme nationalism
  2. Disdain for human rights
  3. Identification of enemies and scapegoats; carefully cultivated xenophobia
  4. Supremacy of the military
  5. Rampant sexism and militant enforcement of gender roles
  6. Controlled mass media
  7. Obsession with national security
  8. Religion and government are intertwined
  9. Corporate power and privileges are protected over the rights of citizens
  10. Organized labor is suppressed
  11. Disdain for science, intellectual pursuits, and the arts
  12. Obsessive focus on crime and punishment; rehabilitation is disdained
  13. Cronyism and corruption are tolerated
  14. Fraudulent elections and voter suppression

Except the public actually did rebuke Hitler initially with his policies against Jews. It is one of the reasons it was sort of under the table and during other things that it was not as overt as he wanted it to be. And I so much hate people comparing things to Nazi Germany out of context to make their foes or views that do not line up with theirs equal Nazi/s. Especially from the party that skews xenophobic and has more state racism and discriminatory tendencies.

The US does not have the same form of government that Germany had at the time, was not undergoing the Depression plus paying the cost of WW1 for everyone else. They elected a guy to help them, and to a point he did. He turned out to be one of histories worst monsters, but going in they did not fully understand what he was going to do.

That said, much like the GOP base, if one wants to make these comparisons, in times that are not so good the government there did what all nasty governments do. They find a scape goat and anti-sematism was already there in some form or fashion and the view that Germany was the greatest country to ever be. So the people were spoonfed crap they wanted to hear and for a while the government provided to them what it said it would as they conquered much of Europe. Does not make it right but it annoys me these simple comparisons.


Hitler never bothered me until the school cafeteria started serving Der Fuhrer Grilled Cheese to my grandkids. Thanks Obama!


“I mean if people don’t speak up for what they believe, then other people will change things without them having a voice. That’s what I mean. That’s what facilitated [Hitler’s] rise,” he continued, according to ABC.

And that is why Ben Carson has dedicated his life to encouraging America’s most powerless groups, evangelical christians and the wealthy, to come out of the shadows and take those first steps toward building some political power.


“I want people in America to stand up for what we believe in,” he continued.

Look around; who are the American’s shouting the loudest for “what they believe in?” Spoiler alert, it isn’t Democrats.


America is ripe for a far right takeover. To paraphrase a well worn quote: When facisim comes to American it will be wraped in the flag, carring an AK-47 in one hand, Megan Kelly in the other, wearing a Reagan mask, all while riding on Sean Hannity and Bill O’Rilley’s shoulders.


“I purposely said that because I knew the left wing would go crazy: ‘He said Hitler!’”

So his goal was to make people crazy?