Discussion: Inside The Latest GOP Thinking On How To Repeal Obamacare


I am going to guarantee you that once Obamacare is gone and the Republican replacement is announced it is going to look an awful lot like Obamacare. However the Republicans will tout how different it is and their idiot voters will believe them.


Except the taxes and funding will be gone, so…no.


People will die. People will go bankrupt. Businesses won’t be able to afford benefits packages.

And then the Republican Party will be fucked.

But people will die. People will suffer.


End Obamacare, blame the Democrats because [insert bullsh*t talking point here]. I’m afraid it is going to take lots of actual deaths,not to mention the economic havoc, from losing healthcare before the red states realize what they voted for. I’m not convinced there will ever be a replacement for Obamacare from the republicans since Obamacare is the conservative approach.


They won’t be the ones to rebuild it. They will fuck it up and be voted out.

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How many people will die because of this?


I wouldn’t be so sure. The funding will be their just called something else like block grants. I said very similar not exact. Everyone seems to have forgotten the Republicans back in 06and 07 were touting Romney’s MA health plan as the way to to overhaul healthcare/insurance. However because Obama did just that build ACA off of Romneycare the Republicans twisted themselves into knots claiming it to be terrible.

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Except there will be no 80/20, and there will be a cap on coverage. AND the “mandate” punishment will be bigger, not smaller. One of the flaws (apparently) in O’Care is that opportunists have devised ways to jump on and of coverage–taking coverage only when they need it. That has to stop. So despite the cries of Gov’t oppression, there will be a BIGGER stick behind the mandate in the GOP plan.


That’s best case thinking. More likely they just get rid of Obamacare, pocket the tax benefits, and move on to something else like gutting MEdicare and Social Security.


And that’s the hard place they’re in. I don’t see how they can pull any plan further to the right that isn’t inadequate when it comes to addressing the large scale issues with our overall healthcare system. So they’re just changing this thing for the sake of changing it and will attach and remove seemingly random things just to say they did something, while leaving much of it intact. In the end it’ll be a PR game. It’ll all fall apart and wreck the economy and kill people so they’ll blame Democrats, or it’ll continue working because they didn’t do much of anything and they’ll sell it like it was theirs. I don’t expect half the country to understand this.


This is a very generous headline to call what the GOP is doing in this regard as “thinking.” Better verbs to consider: crashing, burning, destroying, crippling, screwing over, plundering, devolving, pillaging, etc.


And the do nothing congress suddenly becomes the we gotta do something congress - even if it’s stupid!

Venal bunch of cretins ratcheting their false teeth and talking about freedom, markets and capitalism - I am starting to understand how anger and hatred morph into picturing your enemies as evil and subhuman. Trying to maintain humanity in the face of such overwhelming greed and stupidity requires more effort than I think I can muster anymore.


There is a saying among movers and shakers: “Crises create cash.” You can make money lots of ways in America, but one way to make money fast, if you can, is create a crisis among organizations with huge cashflow.

If you know what will happen and when, you stand to get very very rich.


GOP and Thinking is an oxymoron.

What the Republicans are really after, but nobody has really talked about, is the payroll tax on very high incomes passed with Obamacare to fund Medicare reform and the exchanges. If that goes, the whole thing unravels. And that’s their top priority, closely followed by regulatory changes that will result in higher doctor fees. So expect a general unraveling of the entire healthcare system, hyperinflation and a serious recession, as retiree coverage is undermined, rural hospitals lose their main source of income, insurance premiums go through the roof, and doctor fees soar.


Of course if the congressional D’s had any guts they could block it up by refusing any unanimous consent requests for anything and running out the clock for four years.
No budgets, no legislation what so ever.
But that might mean losing campaign contributions and invitations to the “right” parties so can’t do that.
Less imporatnt if members of the unwashed have no health coverage and die then for the congressional d’s risk losing their retirement jobs as lobbyists and consultants.
after all their only constituency is cold hard cash, preferably in the New rubles rather then tattered US $'s

It is a bit funny seeing the GOP wring their hands over this realizing that there really isn’t a way to have their cake and eat it. Trying to make tax cuts leaves the ACA with no way of funding itself, dragging their feet on non-replacement would piss people off, the insurance market has basically structured itself around the ACA and thus the GOP would risk making insurance companies angry, trying to do a voucher system is unpopular, and if people get kicked off health insurance there is a risk of a lot of GOP voters dying or turning on the party. This thing is outright booby-trapped when it comes to Rep methods. True believers like Ryan will still try to repeal it because he has nothing but contempt for it, but too many Rep leaders need the ACA in effect or their careers are screwed thus why they keep slapping Ryan’s hands away from the rubber stamp trying to repeal it. This is going to be miserable for them no matter what they try to do


Republicans are going to be in a death spiral if they repeal Obamacare. There will be more than 20 million people impacted. All the new jobs that Obamacare created and hospitals will close down and the whole insurance market will take a hit. Go ahead and repeal republicans, you fools.


Fascinating to know what transpires inside the loony bin.

Like Berlin in 1933.