Discussion: Indictment: Russia Hack Targeted Clinton Emails After Trump Speech

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GOP: The answer is obvious! We must target the FBI and discredit Mueller!

Because, fake newsā€¦

and witch huntā€¦

and coincidenceā€¦??


As I recall, Trump had every opportunity to clarify, and say he was joking when he made this request, and he declined.


My mistake. I see Trump (and likely the GOP) will blame Obama.


From Trumpā€™s twitter feed a few hours ago-

The stories you heard about the 12 Russians yesterday took place during the Obama Administration, not the Trump Administration. Why didnā€™t they do something about it, especially when it was reported that President Obama was informed by the FBI in September, before the Election?


ANDā€¦ If Obama had responded the GOP would have set a new high water mark for ā€œbatshit crazyā€


Typical. Nothing is ever his fault. I guess the buck just stops in his pocket.


Except that the Trump campaign was informed of the active investigations by various intelligence agencies during the campaign, Obama told Putin to stop it, Obama attempted to rectify by a bi-partisan approach with McConnell/GOP so as not to look political just before the election (they refused), and sanctions were imposed on Russia for just this reason which Trump refused to implement (he finally relented). Too early in the morning to get pā€™off:


Lock him up.


Mueller came to the doorstep of indicting Stone, Wikileaks and the Trump campaign. The sheer level of detail that Mueller has about how the GRU undertook this extensive and repeated assault on the DNC, DCCC and Clinton campaign should make any subject or potential target of the investigation quake in his/her/their boots.

If I were Mueller, Iā€™d give Roger Stone 72 hours to flip and turn himself in, or I would indict him. Wikileaks should be indicted next week. Itā€™s time to start indicting Americans for their role in aiding the Russian effort.

At a very basic level, the Russians stole a lot of information from Democratic campaign related entities. They didnā€™t know what to do with that information so they got advice from Stone and Wikileaks, both of whom communicated (and likely coordinated) with the Trump campaign. Through that cooperative arrangement, the Russians weaponized and release the emails for maximum political impact. Thatā€™s a criminal conspiracy. This phase of the investigation is basically virtual Watergate. Lock 'em all up. The End.


Everyone who didnā€™t vote for Trump already knew this, and it is a sad statement that it took a major investigation to make it clear, and even that wonā€™t be enough for Trumpā€™s supporters. I wonder how Trumpā€™s meeting with his spiritual leader (Putin) will go. Will Putin just say that he didnā€™t do it so that Trump can repeat the lie of denial, or will he just come out and admit everything knowing that Trump will have to lie on his own? (I certainly would not want to be either of the translators. They are likely to be considered highly disposable.)


Trump: ā€œRussia if youā€™re listeningā€¦ā€ Well, I guess they were, he asked for help and he got it.


As to the Trump-Putin meeting, in observing Putin in a few interviews, Iā€™ve found him to be sensitive, insecure and prickly and even socially awkward. I think he inherently dislikes scrutiny and he dislikes being on a level play field with anyone. I think he will be upset at Trump for not delivering on NATO and for allowing Robert Mueller to extract this level of detail as to how the GRU conducts intel operations. In that way, by taking such risks to help Trump, Putin may have revealed the sources, methods, secrets and secret sauce of how RU intelligence works, which will allow the western alliance to help other govā€™tā€™s resist Russiaā€™s asymmetrical war on Democracy. Honestly, if I were a Russian general, Iā€™d coup Putinā€™s ass.

From a Russian perspective, Iā€™m not sure everyone on that side of the fence would agree that the cost-benefit analysis weighed in favor of helping Trump. Trump is obviously a buffoon. He canā€™t do much about the G7 or NATO. His trade wars will cause a recession in the US but not particularly hurt Europe/Canada. Outside the US, his effort to help far right movements have been only partially successful in Italy, whose governments have the shortest life span in history. And does anyone in Russia really want to be responsible for the basket case that is Syria?

All that said, Iā€™d expect Putin to push Trump to double down on whatever their strategy is, but Iā€™d also think there is a big risk for Trump that Putin cuts him off if he thinks the cost-benefit analysis of this escapade has shifted against him.


Trumpā€™s love of Putin and his collusion with Russian operatives was so obvious that he might as well have called Putin on the phone during the speech and put his Russian daddy on speaker so we could all hear it. We tried to tell people two years ago, but they wouldnā€™t listen and I suspect Trumpā€™s idiot supporters never will.


When will Bernieā€™s operatives Randy Credico and those who stole the stolen DNC data be indicted by Muller and sent to jail?

Sanders spins the facts when he says campaign did not ā€˜go out and takeā€™ Clinton data

Anyone else caught The Beat with Ari Melber interviewing Randy Credico,
who is Roger Stonesā€™ connection to Julian Assange? Credico said he worked for the Bernie Sanders campaign


The comments on his working for Bernie start at marker 11:30 on the tape




This is Nixon plumbers in cyber form. Republican Party, corrupt then, corrupt now. Some things never change. Except less patriotic.


Putin: We were just helping our investment and helping Trump. No Collusion. Win Win for us: He asked, we delivered :wink:


This investigation sprawls effusively. So many actors indicted, five pleaded guilty. The chain of possession of hacked information now has three operatorsā€™ hands on it.

The question that comes to mind concerns unindicted, or sealed but indicted, co-conspirators. This thought rests on the notion that there were FBI agents in New York who were rabidly against Clintonā€™s candidacy. One could reason with available information that Giuliani received some of his inside campaign information from one New York FBI bureau. I wonder about the possibility of FBI agents being indicted alongside members of the Trump campaign.

Is this realistic? How would such a possibility be managed?


I hope youā€™re right Khyber, I really do. But I donā€™t know. It seems to me, as much as I hate to admit it, that Putin has largely succeeded. Heā€™s sown chaos across western democracies, ratcheted up the divisions along the fault lines of our country, hurt our economy with the tariff issue, and has a third of Americans literally supporting Russia.

While history is like an ever-flowing river and the future always brings changes, it seems to me heā€™s winning this particular round. Whether he continues to win, I think, depends upon how we deal with Trump and the other conspirators. This cannot be swept under the rug.