Discussion for article #222286
Pray for the sinner!!!
Good one Liberty, doing God’s work.
Liberty University where you are free to say ill informed and stupid.
If he’s convicted of murder they’ll give him tenure.
Nice to see Christians support the criminally indicted community.
It’s called ‘Griftin’ 101’
Nice to see the wingnut welfare state is still operating as planned.
It’s called “handling serpents.”
The Helms School of Government?!
From its website:
Established in the fall of 2004, the Helms School of Government seeks to develop leaders who are guided by duty, honor, morality, and civic virtue. With these qualities in mind, Liberty University Founder, Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr., could think of no person more worthy to be our namesake than former North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms.
And to make matters worse, they hire that paragon of civic virtue, the indicted ex-governor of VA, to teach there.
The same school that gave us Michele Bachmann and we know what a whiz kid she is.
A professor than every parent will be proud of, proud to have their child attending his class.
What was he teaching again?
And their eyes lit up and none of them so much as batted an eye because in their world, the crude banana republic corruption of this nauseating hypocrite is just made up stuff that was made up to persecute him for his deeply held Christian beliefs.
Can somebody tell me how the hell we’re supposed to have a democracy when a third of the people in the country are just stark raving mad?
“[T]he biblical principles and servant leadership that are so important to Liberty University.”
Ran this through GoogleTranslate™ using Shameless Fraud-to-English mode:
- “biblical principles” = “anything Fox tells viewers to believe”
- “servant leadership” = “the ability to defraud widows with a smile and perfectly-lacuered hair”
- “Liberty University” = “any shithole of ignorance and delusion that masquerades as higher education”
Kind of makes sense now.
Helms School of Government? Bob should fit in well with the liars and deniers. Regency, Bojo and Liberty are propaganda think-tanks.
Senator Ted Cruz believes Jesse Helms was the God of Scoundrels from the Lower and Higher Order of CubaCand.
So will Congressman Grimm be next to teach there?
Is he teaching a course in political corruption?
I’ll bet the former governor is really pleased.
Liberty has SUCH high standards!!!
Maybe the folks at Liberty U believe McDonnell and his wife are victims of a conspiracy cooked up personally by Obama to sully good Christian patriots, and therefore totally innocent.
As an aside, I read that McDonnell got his master’s degree at Pat Robertson’s Regent University. In the '80s I used to watch the 700 Club, and in a promotional bit for Regent, Roberston asked some students why they chose to apply to Regent for grad school rather than Harvard or Yale. I thought that was a hilarious and probably effective piece of propaganda for Robertson’s audience, slyly suggesting that Regent is equal to those schools and that Regent students are smart enough to be accepted to them.
“The (Jesse) Helms School of Government at Liberty University welcomes currently indicted former governor Bob McDonnell to teach it’s students”
Associate Law School Dean Monica Goodling
let that marinate…