Discussion: Indiana Senate Seat Flips Red As Braun Beats Donnelly


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Well that blows.

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This isn’t the blow out i was hoping for… AZ Senate too close to call


Not so far. The Senate will stay red. Polls are still open in NV and AZ. Be nice to pick up those Senate seats.


Has Donelly conceded yet?

Right now, it looks as though the Midwest is gone for Dems. Any Rethug who could survive with Rump tied around their neck can withstand almost anything. If these States aren’t open to Dems, we’d better hope like hell that we get AZ and NV and open up the West.

Polls just now closed here

All the signs were there, once again. Once again, the people who are going to get hurt the most by Republican policies, have decided that neither party represents them, and therefore do not vote,

It will take a giant blue wall in the West to take the House. But the real problem that exists is that there are no leaders in the Democratic Party. No message from the leadership.

Tomorrow,…oh heck in about four hours,l,we will start to hear from the Dark Lord Trump, gleeful and gloating about HIS win.


Hoosiers. Well-named.

Fucking Hoosiers.

Lost heitkamp

You in AZ?

Not unexpected.

No message from the leadership.

This isn’t a failure of leadership. If anything, the Democratic Party went farther beyond really working their ground game this Midterm than in years past. This is on the voters who either gave up or couldn’t vote. Dems have lost most of the Midwest and good luck to anyone in those States because life is about to get brutal there. If Dems don’t take the House, we wont survive as a country until 2020.

I had a feeling that would happen. But, she went out with her dignity and can move on knowing that what she did was right.


Hoosiers, idiots as always


I hafta agee.
Waiting for results in AZ… 30 minutes ago the polls closed…

And the reason I said that is because as insane as Rump is, NOW the regime has no reason whatsoever to not burn this country down. No reason at all. For them, it’s all about cruelty and domination. And that’s what we’re gonna get.

To a certain extent, this election was the supreme test on the greatest stresses this country could withstand. It failed.

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I agree