Discussion: Indiana Senate Seat Flips Red As Braun Beats Donnelly

Nelson is behind in FLA with 7% of precincts out. We’re screwed.

Prediction: Scott Walker is Governor of WI for life.

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Beto’s looking like he might just pull it out
Jared Polis in CO (pick up)
Conor Lamb on PA (pick up)

70% chance dems have majority in the House


Gillum is behind in FLA by 96K votes with 7% of precincts still out.

Kobach is losing at this point


Cruz just pulled ahead. I suspect Beto’s early lead came from the early voters.

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It’s not over yet
16 seats to go for the House majority
An hour since the AZ polls closed… no numbers yet.

kobach lost!!!
Oh man that feels Gooood.
Now the likelihood the dems take the House is 90%


Harris County had those precincts that were going late, for whatever that’s worth…

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Time for the first cocktail!!! (It’s a stiff one.)

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OK then. I can breathe.
Next I wanna see a veto proof majority.
And the Senate in Dem hands

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Yeah…I know it’s not. Losing in FLA is a big letdown for me.

Maybe they can revive that idea about dividing into two states… As I always heard about FL, “The further north you go, the further south you get.”

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That thought has rumbled around AZ as well.

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From the Twitters:

I live in Florida and I can say what Steve Kornacki can’t say on the air… there are parts of Florida where where Andrew Gillum isn’t doing well…and the reason he’s not doing well in those parts of Florida is because they really hate black people there.


Which is their loss.
And voter suppression worked in N Dakota since Native Americans can’t vote due to lack of street address.

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I am still gobsmacked that the court allowed that outrage. Shameful AF.


I think Houston, El Paso, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio should form their own state.

I really hate to be right. Been arguing with a lot of my friends that Republican-lite was not the way to keep Indiana; that we should have primaried Donnelly with a progressive. Still, it sucks. Donnelly was a lightweight. Braun is scum.

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And now he’s their problem and I hope they suffer.

Starting with no protection for pre-existing conditions.

I live here, too. I was not planning to be collateral damage.