Discussion: Indiana Pizza Shop Still Raking In Money, Over $840K

Bigotry is an interesting business model. Publicly proclaim your personal hate object, then when the backlash happens, set up a crowd funding site to raise a million.

Praise the Lord - and pass the dough…

A fool and his money are soon parted.


At least with Kickstarter, you’d get an actual pizza for your donation.

Great. I hope they keep donating to them. The law is changing which is really what everyone who was upset wanted. These folks will now have to treat LGBT people the same as everyone else, and no amount of money is going to change that.

They can retire to Key West… oh wait, maybe not…

If they do receive anything, they’ll have to pay taxes on it. Hope they’re smart enough to get an accountant… wait! Scandal!!

Proof that P.T. Barnum was right: “There is a sucker born every minute.”

I don’t know of anyone who would, which makes me wonder how this thing started. Did that Chrystal person volunteer this information (“We would serve pizza to homos who walked in, but we wouldn’t cater a homo wedding”) unsolicited, or did the media ask her for her views?

I think a reported asked her to expound on her views.

I prefer to think of it like this; Every dollar that goes to these victims is one less dollar that goes into the gas tank of the clown car.

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America is indeed showing the poverty of her soul. Guess what comes next?

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And that imbecile Pat Robertson is rich beyond our wildest dreams. So what else is new?

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This is a wonderful thing that god has done for these people. Being such devout christians as they say they are, they can now make pizzas and give them away to the poor. I fell confident in saying that Jesus would have done the same, had he owned a pizza shop. God is great! Can I get an amen, somebody?

I wonder how the people there in Porkville Indiana feel about one of their own kind shutting down their business in less than 24 hours now hauling in all that cash in a situation they created all by themselves…Talk about fleecing the rubes…So this is what christianity is all about…how to make money be claiming persecution…

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Jokes on them: now the IRS is going to come calling.

And so today, of all days, Xtians can celebrate that Jeebus’ died (And then Zombie Jeebus came back!) so they wouldn’t have to sell bad Irish pizza to homosexuals…NOW ___On to the TEAliban fundie bakers to spread the gospel:



Just gonna repeat my earlier assessment here:

Every dollar they get is a dollar not going to Cruz or Bush or Walker. I got no beef with idiots siphoning money away frm the candidates that would try to give them their way.

I believe this whole thing was a scam. That Pizza place was a lil bitty pizza place not worth alot. The owners were the one’s who seeked out the attention. They then closed just as this was just getting in the news. I believe they seeked out their 15 minutes and while I don’t know if they realized they would get donations. They did this for a reason as I agree no gay party was ever going to use this place to cater for anything. The sad thing is while I agree they won’t see much of this money. If you really were angry why not donate money in care of the pizza place to a christian charity.